I love you so much, but I can't remember your face

Imogene 2022-09-28 15:23:23

"Lu Criminal Yan Shi", this is an interesting name. In ancient times, the eldest man in the court could shout reconciliation, and Lu criminal under the court, how could he know Er's crime? And "Crime Lu Yanshi" is also the scene where Lu Yanshi imagined himself when he was waiting to be shot in the death row, but what crime did Criminal Lu commit? Lu Yanshi doesn't know, Feng Wanyu doesn't know, and even the country itself doesn't know much about it, so how can we criticize such a deep torture in a commercial film. From "Lu Yanshi" to "Return" is the distortion of a period drama to a family drama. Anyway, even if the official made a mistake, wouldn't he be rehabilitated for you!

When Feng Wanyu was waiting for Lu Yanshi, she couldn't control so much. Because he is her god, even though the male god is a familiar title, Feng Wanyu worshipped and guarded the god in her heart all her life. She, a girl from the countryside, can marry this doctor who studied in the United States and is proficient in four foreign languages, which is of course a unique gift in the world. Of course she didn't know that his first love was with an unrestrained Italian woman. While he lived alone in the capital, he had a romantic relationship with another hot Chongqing beauty. All Feng Wanyu knew was waiting.

Feng Wanyu has been waiting all her life. In the most beautiful Chinese years, he was on the other side of the ocean, thinking about Dr. Ling's difficult choice, to go back or not to go back, this is of course a question, Feng Wanyu did not know his thoughts from his family letter; Piao Ling, he was with the city at ease, entangled in the philosophical proposition of red roses or white roses, and was imprisoned for two years for ridiculing current events. I know; when the war subsided, it was supposed to be all hard work, but he was exiled to the vast Gobi, tortured and humiliated, struggling to survive as a pig and a dog, and Feng Wanyu could only see that socialism was good in her home book.

This is the beginning of the movie.

Lu Yanshi escaped from prison! An old man in his 60s actually escaped from the dead Gobi and ascended to heaven. He blatantly went against the era of wise and godly martial arts. But Lu Yanshi didn't think so, he only had one wish to see Feng Wanyu. When he saw Feng Wanyu, he wanted to tell her, I had a misunderstanding with you, maybe I had a misunderstanding with myself; I love, but think I don't. Generations of novelists and dramatists have written so much so that we people can understand ourselves, but we people still do not understand ourselves so much. You must conquer the country and the city, you must come to a disaster, and you must be exiled for an indefinite period of time to understand yourself and know that you were once loved. When he first thought of this, he must have been frightened by himself.

Feng Wanyu just waited. Even if she noticed his return, but for the sake of her children, she didn't see him. After all, if you wait, there will always be a chance. When he was abroad, when he was hiding from the Japanese, she also waited like this, but she forgot Yes, people always get old. Parents are planning for their children, and they will not understand until the day they become parents. Of course, this is in the novel. In the movie, Feng Wanyu and Lu Yanshi staged a bitter scene of Xu Xianbai's broken bridge meeting. This scene is not only in the It seems that Zou Jingzhi is not a layman. Of course, this time it is not Fahai, but the era. Everyone follows the instructions and teachings of this great man or that commander like a marionette. Human, but that doesn't blame them, does it?

The story continues many years later.

Lu Yanshi was rehabilitated. He was sentenced to death because of what, I don't know, and because of what he was rehabilitated, let alone. Enniang commented on Yan Shi many years ago: "Once upon a time, I think you are useless, you are not dirty in your heart, and you are refreshing. People who are too useful are a bit inferior. Look at it now, you are useless. It's useless. What kind of place is China? Three points for learning and seven points for being a human being. The most important thing for foreigners is to invent this kind of machine You don't understand this knowledge, you are a useless person in China!" As if under the curse of the mother, Yan Shi was indeed such a "useless" person all his life, and the rest of his life knows what is more valuable. An old prodigal son who has traveled all his life is finally returning to the one he loves.

Of course Feng Wanyu was still waiting, but she was ill. It is not easy for a person with a soft heart to be happy. When others hurt her or she hurts others, she is sick in her heart. Feng Wanyu is such a person. She can't wait any longer, but what's the point of her life if she doesn't wait for his return, she has been waiting for him all her life, and it seems that she is just waiting for him all her life. Although during this period, I have experienced too many grievances and demands, to the traitors, to the officials of the National Government, and to the revolutionary cadres.
Feng Wanyu suffered from a mental illness of amnesia. She doesn't know her Yanshi anymore. In their life, maybe he has never really belonged to the woman in front of him so completely, but she just asked lightly, hello. If it's sad to say "Children who don't know each other, laugh and ask where they come from", then the person who has been waiting for you all his life, the person who has been waiting for you all his life, doesn't know you, what should you do? Your repentance, your love, your day and night thoughts can no longer be conveyed to that person's heart, what can you do?

Most of the writing and ink of the whole movie is put into the story after that, even magnifying like a magnifying glass, freezing frame by frame, close-up scene by scene, but if you don't know the story behind it, then legends like Feng Wanyu, such What's the point of existence?
I love him so deeply, but now I forget what he looks like, Chiyoko said in "Millennium Actress".
I love you so much, but I can't remember your face. Feng Wanyu would probably say.

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