Hopes and disappointments dried by the stove, but we love and we are loved

Giles 2022-04-23 07:04:26

Curled up on a cold and rainy night, sat up seemingly carelessly and cautiously from the gap between the wheels, soaked a handful of dirty water in the mud to wipe your face, the heavy rain hit the top of the head, climbed to the top of the building and then climbed down, being chased, My head was bleeding; I walked slowly on the long road with withered and yellow leaves. In the winter, the steaming stove dries up hope again and again and then bakes out disappointment. God once held me in his arms and shook it gently, but unfortunately my life will end. Still sleeping on the ground, big snowflakes smashed across my face one by one, I am waiting for you and waiting for me, I am not Lu Yanshi, I am Lu Yanshi, we love and we are also loved.

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