My plea is redundant

Shannon 2022-04-22 07:01:52

Pure love is not necessarily great, and great love must be pure.
When I saw the person you were thinking about coming back, would the words you shouted out were the same "Yanzhi, run!" With the rumbling of the train, my heart was run over by the wheels, and I couldn't help but feel moving. It's just a great love, just a love. But it is now unique, love in a specific context at a specific time. Zhang Yimou's entry point is really tricky. He didn't say a few words to describe the Cultural Revolution, and he didn't even say love, but the heaviness of history and the light of humanity showed infinite appeal in every detail. The title of the film with the train station as a clue is really apt. The lover has returned, and then left, Xin has returned, but his daughter has left. Master Fang has returned in Feng Wanyu's world, and Lu Yanshi's back has returned. . So many have returned, but only because love never leaves. When Yan Shi played the piano and turned his back to Feng Wanyu, it seemed that everything had come back. She only knew his back, but his face belonged to the person who delivered the letter. In my opinion, this is a distorted and great love. I love so much that I remember everything about you but forget your face. I can't love you anymore. I wrote your name again and again, and changed it again and again, and finally I don't remember how to write my lover's name. I love my husband, to the point of kicking my daughter out of the house, to the point of having nothing. I love New Year's Eve with dumplings guarding your back, but I can't see your face. The depth of love, the pain of all.
Zhang Yimou's long shots are so delicate, so delicate that you can't stop savoring them, but it still feels like it's not enough. The real long shot is simple and gorgeous, and the beauty of the long shot is the beauty that the world can't compete with. Waiting again and again at the train station until the gate closes, the crowd walking down the bridge seems to have drowned out the memory, but it slowly disappears. I feel sorry for Feng Wanyu's world, her persistence makes me unable to bear to look directly. No wonder Zhang Yimou had to struggle for a long time for a couplet. I was puzzled by the report before, and thought he was still doing useless efforts for a stained glass like in the thirteen hairpins of Jinling. Now it seems that the merit is donated by Tang.
Simple and the world can not compete with beauty. It's not easy to tell a complete thing, let alone a 111-minute movie. The underworld behind Dandan's dance costume, Lu Yanzhi's name and font change, and Feng Wanyu's constant movement of dressing up in front of the mirror again and again, although there is no yellow glamorous decal on the mirror, but the light caressing hair. The movements are so moving, there are no unnecessary words, the Cultural Revolution is just a word from other people's mouths, I just want you to know me in my heart. So much does not make every shot full of the breath of love, and when you sigh, you will be relieved and sigh the happiness of having a great love.

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