We love each other in each other's time and space (spoiler)

Jasen 2022-04-22 07:01:52

I went to the cinema by chance before it was released. I wanted to see a small reunion in the world, but I didn't know it was released because of the bad box office (I have to say that the public's emotions are really burning right now). When I thought that there were no other film classes to watch, I found that the return was hidden in the middle of the screen, and there was only one such event at 3 o'clock in the afternoon. It was a little surprise, but also a little apprehensive—the actors are all favorite actors, and I believe that Yan Geling's novels will not be too bad, but I am still worried that Lao Mouzi doesn't know if he can make a movie like Red Sorghum.

No disappointment, the movie can be described as crystal clear. I also did my part to cry from beginning to end, heartily.

The background of the story is mainly placed after the Cultural Revolution, and the background of the Cultural Revolution is only used as a foreshadowing, so there will not be too much sense of heaviness. A pair of coveted lovers locked up because their man was considered right-wing during the Cultural Revolution escaped because he missed his wife and daughter too much. The daughter was successfully brainwashed since she was a child, and she cut out all the photos of her father she had never met. In order to get the lead dancer, she betrayed her to the person who was catching him when her father told her the address of the meeting with her mother. The mother knew that her daughter had already informed her, but she still went to see her lover without hesitation, but she always saw and called the other person from a distance. And because of her reluctance this time, she broke her brain. Later, I don't remember anything, only my daughter's affection and love for her husband, and I can no longer even recognize her husband. The husband, who had been tortured by the Cultural Revolution for twenty years, returned with joy, but found that his wife, whom he loved and missed, could no longer recognize him, and could only treat him as a stranger who believed in faith. And he tried everything he could, whether it was finding the only old photo, playing an old piano song, or writing her beliefs on a box of waste paper that he had accumulated over the past 20 years. When she listened, she couldn't make her lover look at his face affectionately. He once retreated, thinking that he could only be the one who read the faith, but in the end he chose to be a stranger and accompany her to pick him up at the station year after year - the love is deep, even if he can't get a response from his lover , just watching him/her live, or loving someone in his thoughts, is enough to make him happy.

There are many levels of love in the whole film, there is the love of the daughter's guilt, the love of the mother's forgiveness, the love of the lover's persistence, and the love of sacrifice. What impresses me most is this kind of persistent love. Because of the guilt that I failed my lover back then and desperately came to see each other, until my brain couldn't work properly, I also remembered that "I can't lock him out of the door again"; "I'll be there on the 5th"; I wrote a letter that I couldn't send for 20 years, and in the end I had to read it to my lover as a stranger, just to be able to see her every day even with unfamiliar eyes; accompany her regardless of rain or shine I went to pick up the self who has returned all my life, just thinking, this is okay, at least I can feel her love, at least I can watch her stay with her, at least I can love her in my own way, that’s enough .

There was a lack of love between the two of them for a while. In her love, everything stops before she sees him. The two people are talented and beautiful, and they are envious of others. When they are in love with each other, their hearts are in harmony with each other. Even if she loses most of her memories, it can still make her persistent for life. In his love, there is only a period of time when two people hold hands and express their sincere feelings to each other. Later, he was the onlooker of her love, and he lost his lover's affection for him forever. But this love is like a jar of old wine, rich and mellow, it has not passed away with the wind, and it will not pass away. They are in each other's love, each is old, but also brewing affectionate love for each other and never see each other.

I hope this life in this world can experience this deep feeling.

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