When the fishing light song sounds

Kasey 2022-04-21 09:03:26

Because my mother wanted to watch "Return", she went to the front station first. The movie looked depressing. Except when Chen Daoming corrected Zhang Jia's French pronunciation, there was knowing laughter in the venue, and there was almost silence at other times. The so-called return is probably not only the return of relatives, but also the elegance and calmness thrown by that era. For example, when meeting at station 5, when Lu Yanshi deliberately fell behind the crowd and walked down the overpass, his outstanding temperament was indescribable, and it could be said that he "picked all the cold branches and refused to live". Chen Daoming is indeed an old actor. This upright, introverted, erudite and affectionate man has vividly displayed the intellectual's original intention of reading the world. Revolution and human nature are often distorted and entangled because of some perverted guiding ideology. What shocked me throughout the film was not Lu Yanshi's answer "I know" to his daughter's confession, but the phrase "Deng Zhi told me". What cruelty. It's not the devastation and blood that are obvious at a glance, but when you eviscerate and cut flesh all the way, no one responds, but when you still have a breath, you meet the eyes of the victim. When Lu Yanshi's fingers covered the piano, he hesitantly pressed a series of notes. Listening to the familiar melody, I blurted out: "Yuguang Song!" This song is from the 1934 film "Yuguang Song" of the same name, reflecting the interdependence between the progressive youth and the poor people in that era, and the fact that things cannot be done. , a tragic fate that cannot be escaped. After contacting Lu Yanshi's background in the original novel, everything became clear. Compared with the sonorous excerpt from "The Red Detachment of Women", the melody of "Yuguang Song" is too gentle. We know that "The Red Detachment of Women" itself is a story of women's liberation. But in "Return", the daughter was trapped and betrayed her father; the wife was trapped in the mud plow and lost her memory. The human relations and true temperament buried in the red tide must be redeemed by the "Fisher Light Song" played after 20 years of exile. Lu Xun once said: "Is there anyone who has fallen into hardship from a well-off family? I think that on this journey, you can probably see the true face of the world." Master's robbery. The movie did not have too many accountability times as many audiences expected, but it portrayed the emotions between the couple who did not know each other in a lingering manner. Even though Lu Yanshi had not been able to make Wan Yu recognize him in his entire life, his lover's reliance and even attachment to him had already taken root. Just like the song of "Yuguang Song": "The broken fishing net left by grandpa, be careful to rely on it for another winter." Those letters from Yan Shi's hand and declared in Yan Shi's mouth accompanied Wan Yu through the boundless wind snow for eternity.

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