"The Return", I know what's right and what's wrong

Carter 2022-04-21 09:03:26

That afternoon, I was going to find Little Spider alone to have a good time, but I didn't expect to cry in the first row of the theater for more than an hour.
The last movie I remember that made me cry was Million Dollar Baby. Although one is a Hollywood masterpiece, the other is a domestic literary film, and the stories told are even more irrelevant, but I think the two have a lot in common, such as cherishing family affection and persevering in ecstasy.

On the Internet, the evaluation of "Return" is in two extremes. From the perspective of film professionalism, I would accept that the narrative of "The Return" is too simple and the plot is too sensational to please the film market. But there are many people who "very standpoint" look down on the audience who cried after watching "Return", saying that "Zhang Yimou is a submissive", and being moved by "Return" is brainwashing. This strikes me as incomprehensible.
I think Chinese netizens have never been short of such a group of people. They usually look normal, but at critical moments they transform instantly, and in the dazzling light they become the "Sailor Moon" that cannot be watched, holding all kinds of fancy clothes. The Judgment Scepter, shouting "On behalf of the moon, destroy you"! At this moment, they have stopped eating human fireworks, cut off their emotions and desires, put on the golden armor of "rationality", and danced the sword of criticism in an airtight manner.

Some seniors on the Internet said: "I have seen a few living old rightists. When they were sent to hell, there was no so-called love, family, no so-called friends and warmth, and no one was waiting for them to return. They faced It's just shameless betrayal and heartless betrayal." "Any bit of tenderness is disgusting tampering with reality."
What is 'tampering with reality'? As if you know all the "reality", as if you are the face of reality? Even if you have seen several "old rightists alive" and "no one is waiting for their return", have you seen all the "old rightists", why do you conclude that no one is waiting for even one "Lu Yanshi" to return? Maybe you just don't know "Lu Yanshi".
If you say "tampering with reality", then you should scold "Lu Criminal Yanshi". Although this original work is not as blatantly sensational as "Return", there is still some "warmth" left.

I agree that that era wiped out humanity and destroyed human relations, but I don't believe that in the cracks of the era, no warmth survived. The large desert covered with yellow sand also has green color, and the hot and scorching crater also has life.
I would like to deny that era on your side, but I can't stand on your side and see that era as pitch black.
I also think that "Return"'s criticism of the Cultural Revolution is not strong enough, but no one can confidently say that it is "lying" and "tampering with reality."
The film isn't entirely honest, but why nitpick for a movie to be "completely honest"? Movies are not obliged to record all reality, otherwise what is the use of "documentary"?
I love Xu Xing's "Criminal Digest"'s courage, and outright accusations. But it does not prevent me from adhering to the principle that human nature should be good. Some art is realistic, and some art depicts beauty. No one should despise the other party, because they are all good intentions, so why bother?
If any kind of warmth is a disgusting tampering with reality, then in the history of film, "The Shawshank Redemption" should also be thrown into the trash, and "Schindler's List" should be scolded The dog blood sprinkler, "The Fantasy Drifting of the Youth Pie" is even more sinful, not only covering up the facts, but also whitewashing the sins with "lies"!
I think many people who are criticizing "Return" also like these movies. Do you enforce double standards? In fact, these films are classics of film history. It is these so-called "tampering with reality" and deliberately "warm" works that make us believe that even in the worst environment, human nature and love are still the most precious things and the most precious things. Something that should stick to. What we should insist on are the vaccines and protective agents to prevent the "Cultural Revolution" from happening again, which are precisely the opposite of those evil times. Why do you deny these beautiful things?

As a movie, enlarging certain plots and reducing certain plots should be considered in the technical category. As long as it does not lie, and as long as it does not blatantly deny certain ethical common sense, it will not be morally irreversible. But the sharp criticism of "Return" shows me that some people have eliminated "seven emotions and six desires" in a "Cultural Revolution" style. While criticizing, you stand on the side you criticize.

Because "Return" moved me, I liked this movie; because "Return" reflected on the Cultural Revolution (even if it was not strong enough), I liked this movie; because "Return" insisted on human nature and love, I liked it even more this movie.
Wu Kequn sang a song like this: "I know what's right and what's wrong. I know that what the general said may not be right. Please be quiet, please be quiet."

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