Do you know the way? !

Angus 2022-04-20 09:02:30

Since "My Father and Mother", I have almost completely avoided watching Zhang Yimou's films. Most of my movie fans are like that. This kind of dislike is that I don't have any expectations after watching the trailer. I don't buy pirated copies, I don't download it online, I don't make digital TV on demand, and even when I see a TV show, I watch it for a while and immediately change the channel.
But I won't say, "Zhang Yimou is no longer that Zhang Yimou."
When I got to the age where I could know the art of watching movies, Zhang Yimou couldn't give me any shock. The fifth-generation Chinese directors of the same period failed to show anything. A serious work that touched my heart, seduced me to watch it again and again, stimulated my emotional resonance and social association, and even gave me a historical theme experience. The era I live in is an era in which foreign cultures are ferocious and local cultures are declining. A large number of American films, European films, Japanese and Korean films, ranging from grand to grand and subtle to subtle and boundless, are constantly appearing. The artistic pioneers of reform and opening up cannot rely on one Two-stroke variant innovation, fantasy once and for all captured the hearts of most Chinese audiences.
Zhang Yimou's art is only the collective memory of an intellectual in the 1980s. He has not yet, and I am afraid that in the future he will not be able to produce high-quality products under the competitive system of this open era. His most creative years were exhausted by going to the countryside to work, and supplementary classes in middle age could not fill the gap between China and foreign countries caused by the accumulation of knowledge and humanistic feelings. His ability is only to pluck a few off-strings in the bowstring of the main melody, making a moment of noise, but in fact it is hoarse and mocking.

Saw the premiere on Thursday night and was as disappointed as ever.

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