the problem of structure

Giuseppe 2022-04-20 09:02:30

It's not that the structure is wrong, it's that it's incomplete. "Hey, this is the end?" When we expressed such emotion, let alone how disappointed we were, our appetite was lifted, but our expectations were not met.

The scene from three years ago—the one that Mr. Zhang said was the most exciting, I also think it was the most exciting. This is precisely the evidence that the latter is not strong enough.

The story of this film should start directly after the end of the Cultural Revolution, and similarly, "years later" the gray-haired two people have also been deleted. One is the front cover and the other is the back cover.

What's left?

After Lu Yanshi was rehabilitated, he found that his wife had lost her memory, and the family couldn't recognize each other, so she tried to recognize each other but in the end it was fruitless.

(The most wonderful cover is an independent short story: Lu Yanshi escaped from prison and went home, was reported by his daughter, and was imprisoned again.)

So the first scene: Lu Yanshi went home and found that his wife had lost her memory. There are
1) the daughter picks up the station
2) insists on going home
3) the wife has amnesia and doesn't know him
4) the neighborhood committee coordination fails
5) the wife goes to the station to pick up

the second scene: try to recognize each other. The plot settings are:
1) Fake a return, and the wife still doesn't know him (plot point 1 that marks the beginning of the second act)
2) See a doctor, suggest the scene to restore
3) Use old photos, not the best thing
4) Repair the piano, thinking To do the best, the result is not the best
5) Read the faith, not the

best Act 3: Stop trying hard. The plot settings are as follows:
1) Lost confidence, Dandan persuaded, you just read the letter to make her happy, do you have to recognize each other? (The target changes, the plot point that marks the beginning of the third act 2)
2) Read the letter, let Dandan move back
3) Dandan moves back
4) Cover the wife and find that Master Fang may have caused damage to the wife
5) Find Master Fang failed
6) Chinese New Year, finished.

The forced third act, I felt psychologically that the second act was only halfway through and it was over. Well, still can't say why it's wrong. If it is really like the three acts analyzed above, the second act is too short. Either there is no third act at all, and the above-mentioned third act is counted in the second act, that is, half the story is told. What else could be added to it to develop into a new plot point 2?

The scene is also limited, one station, one home and community, and one staff dormitory. Where is the breath of the times, I want a psychological panorama, this is just a sketch.

LeEco has no money and insists on 4K IMAX, so it gives you half a movie and limited scenes.

Supplement (conclusion):
The content of the third act above should still be in the second act, "covering his wife and discovering that Master Fang may have caused damage to his wife", the scene where the wife broke out is the middle point of the movie, "looking for "Master Fang" is also a plot of trying to recognize each other. In other words, the movie ends almost at the halfway point.

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