Lu Yan knows, Lu Yan knows, Yan knows the road

Arvid 2022-04-19 09:02:52

For various reasons, I read the novel before watching the film.
Yan Geling's "Lu Yanshi", Yan Geling has read several novels, and the genre is very heavy. Only when I watched this one, I had some other experience. Every word seems to have been tempered, every word has the dust on the old prisoner, and every word has the shadow of that era.
The movie is not the same as the novel. In the novel, Lu Yanshi's lazy and large-scale temperament, and his extravagant Western style, the grace and elegance of the intellectual background, have been in the movie, Lu Yan Shi took a towel under the flyover, dipped it in a handful of mopping water, and used it to wash away the dirt on his face. Only the piano that Wan Yu cleans every day still retains the calmness of the old days.
The depth of history has left Lu Yanshi and Wan Yu in that specific era. They are not one person, not two individuals, but in the great era, countless thoughts lingering in the old and new eras, and they are rolling in. The epitome of the people who are overturned by the tide.
Human abilities are limited, and we may not be able to clearly see the situation we are in today, not to mention the new things that come one after another. Lu Yanshi and Wan Yu, in the tumultuous world, only did one thing, that is to do more. A tenacious soul lives in the world.
Where to find the way out, everything is in the heart,

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