We are just getting started!

Cleve 2022-04-22 07:01:49

When I was in high school, the edges and corners were smoothed out. Apart from scolding the principal a few bastards, he seldom talked to the bosses above.
The elementary school years were notoriously bad, and I still remember that He Wen was dragged by the head teacher to the school office and was scolded by the unknown teachers, and he almost took off his pants and spanked.
After the fight, the two stinky kids felt resentful and discussed how to pierce the head teacher's aged Phoenix bicycle. At that time, they had a high level of ideological awareness and knew that immediate action would definitely give them a handle on it, so it was postponed for a week. after execution.
Just the day before the tire was punctured, Wen Dayi killed my relatives. In the afternoon, I was dragged into a small dark room. Facing a group of teachers with bright glasses, I felt that I was facing the butcher's little lamb waiting to be slaughtered. After thinking about the trick at home, Xin Yiheng tried his best to squeeze out all the tears. There were two lines of snot hanging on the tip of his nose.
The teachers quickly divided into two factions. I saw that I had the tendency to divide the Red Sea from Moses. No, at that time, I only knew the gourd baby and the beautiful girl. At that age, foreign characters at most knew Clinton, uh, and Lewinsky.
The female teacher faced this situation. A child was besieged by a group of adults alone, and motherhood and bodhisattva heart grew stronger, "Forget it, it's still a child." The voice was the tenderness of Mother Teresa's upper body. I thought that the light waves of love had radiated all around me. I saw a female teacher also took out a tissue and wiped my tears, "Good, good, don't cry." The
male teacher is hard-hearted, with the appearance of Zhong Kui catching ghosts. Fossil Show. Physical education teachers are muscular. To show their strong arms to their favorite music teachers, they tuck up their sleeves, without saying a word, they just slap their buttocks. my mom! Tell me how to stand in front of girls in the future.
"Go, go, don't play with him. He spanked the teacher before."
"Ha, just like you, you still want to scare us with cockroaches, go go, or ask the teacher to teach you to go."
At that age Small, but I think my imagination has caught up with that old man Einstein.
After being spanked, my future wife, children, and even grandchildren will remember it for the rest of my life. Even the epitaph reads: "Spanked in elementary school, finished."

"Bad Boy's Sky" is the kind of person who is suitable for dreaming back in the middle of the night, waking up with a start, feeling that he is gradually worn out and lost, in other words, the kind of person who is about to enter the stage of uncle and aunt but refuses to recognize his old age generation. (Well, I seem to be a part of it)
They are prone to budding and longing for their youth, subjectively beautifying their childhood time, thinking of their childhood pranks and intoxicated, and even talking back to the teacher is considered a pleasure. They will definitely remember, holding a cockroach, wrapping their arms around the girl's neck, and threatening to hang on you or kiss me in the face, or they will remember, being a disciplinary committee, staying on a stool Shang was silent, seeing that the boy had bullied him, and secretly made a fortune in his books.
After I entered junior high school, I also stepped on my bicycle nervously, and went back to the primary school, which was only 200 meters away from the cinderella playground. The guards immediately expelled me from the school, thinking that the mental hospital next door had left again.
That's right, it's fine if you scream, don't scare the juniors who are still memorizing the alphabet or multiplication formulas.
In the film, Xiaoma and Xinzhi have extorted, fought, talked about cross talk, practiced boxing, and entered the underworld. . It's a pity that if you can't make a round with the society, you will be defeated. In a blink of an eye, he was in his early 20s, still crawling on the streets of the city, turning around in damp corners.
If nothing is accomplished, nothing is accomplished, just get on the bicycle, just like in the old days, in the bright and empty playground, facing the sunshine on the face, pay attention to those students who will never return, even if the face is covered with scars. .

In my third year of high school, when I went back to elementary school, many teachers could still recognize me. They always liked to touch my head and chat about everyday things. It seems that they have forgotten the rebellious, naughty child who even kicked the math teacher.
Indeed, compared to elementary school, I am 40 centimeters longer, wear glasses, and speak a little bookishly.
I walked up to the head teacher and said to her, "I'm sorry, I caused you trouble before." At the

end of the film.
Xinzhi turned his head and asked: Pony, are we finished?
Pony smirked: Stupid, we're just getting started!

Indeed, we're just getting started.

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Kids Return quotes

  • Shinji: Masaru, do you think we're already finished?

    Masaru: Hell no. We haven't even started.