everything is metaphor

Alta 2022-10-22 10:03:34

Wrong, this is not a warm little movie that celebrates family affection, nor is it a road movie that is addicted to the scenery, nor is it a love story of romantic encounters.
Is it because of recent encounters? In this film I only see two words: "Politics". All plot settings are metaphors. The misfortune of this family is the misfortune of Bulgaria, and the history of this family is the history of Bulgaria. His parents died in a car accident, Alexander lost his memory, his strong and charming grandfather, and endless backgammon games... All of these deduce the history of Bulgaria, which was entangled in the shadow of the former Soviet Union. The memory of a generation has returned to zero, and his memory has restarted from the fresh picture of the grandparents and grandchildren riding a bicycle back to their hometown. The old and tough grandfather remembered everything, lived through everything, and passed on to Alexander something akin to national memory and character.
"Meeting love at the corner of the world" is actually an attitude towards life, like "the mountains are heavy and the rivers are restored, the willows are dark and flowers are bright", it is like "the boat will naturally go straight to the bridge", just like that Einkitan-like grandfather was firm and warm. eyes.

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The World is Big and Salvation Lurks Around the Corner quotes

  • Bai Dan: I'm your Grandpa, from Bulgaria. Don't you recognize me? Are you all right? Tell me you are!

    Alexander 'Sashko' Georgiev: I don't know if... Please, I... I don't know you...

    Bai Dan: Sashe, Sashe... Have a good look. It's me, your Grandpa! I came from home. Remember? I taught you to play backgammon. You remember the song? Backgammon's played by those who can / Backgammon's played by those who can't, too.