Dirty face · Years of friendship · Father and son · ?

Eve 2022-12-21 15:37:46

Tarkovsky's debut novel.
The film is very short (40min) and the aftermath is very long (immeasurable).
Zhong Lifeng said, "This is a simple and noble movie." He asked me to
say, "This is a pure and rare movie."

① With a dirty face
Not a little dirty (well more than a little dirty).
He walked down the corridor with his violin, and was mocked by other children as a "musician", who grabbed his violin and passed it around. At this time, he, Serika, the road roller driver, appeared.
He kept all the rumors and injuries behind him for him. Isn't this a hero saving beauty? !
Also, dating a movie is so cute and shy.
Shaxie: Have you seen "Chaiba Ave"?
Serika: I see, what happened?
Shaxie (just pick up the bottle next to him to cover it up): It's nothing, there's a movie theater across the road.
Serika: Are you going to see it?
Shaxie (puts down the bottle, eyes wide with excitement): Good! We'll see you at the door at 7, don't be late.
Serika: 7 o'clock on time.
Shaxie: 7 o'clock on time.
(Shache then begins to change clothes nervously and excitedly for the evening meeting.)
Think of this as a love story, it's a cliché love story too.
——The family obstructed, and the mistress came out.
In short, this is a story with no sequel.
I don't know which direction it will develop in. The only certainty is that it will not be as happy as you want. To put it bluntly, if it continues to develop, it will be a black drama.
It's better not to yy, or you will cry blindly.

is the most common story.
A friendship story between a 7-year-old boy and a 28-year-old young man.
He played the violin and later became a musician; he drove a road roller and was working class.
Two people who don't live in one world become friends for half a day.
Let's raise a glass to this 1960s friendship.
Although it was a long-term relationship, he did not completely treat him as a child.
For example, he safely let him drive the road roller alone, for example, he and he went to dinner like buddies.
They even talked about war.
Shashe: Have you ever seen a war?
Celica: What?
Shashe: Have you ever seen a war?
Celica: Yes.
Shaxie: It's scary, isn't it? Must be scary.
Serika: That was when you were your age , Shashe
: I know,
Serika: You know everything (laughs)
They talk about the violin like friends, they talk about music.
Serika: Wow, so exquisite! Is it expensive?
Chachet: Only 60 rubles, because only half.
Celica: It doesn't look like half of it.
Shaxie: I mean half size, made for small children. When my hands are as long as yours, my family will buy me real violins, maybe 5 years.
Serika: Halfway (laughs), how long have you been studying?
Shashe: 2 years.
Serika: How old are you now?
Shashe: 7 years old.
Serika: 7 years old? When did you learn to be a violinist?
Shaxie: The teacher said it would take a lifetime.
Serika: I think you have to get used to it from a young age.
the music instantly brought the two people closer together.
Shaxie made frequent mistakes in front of professional violin teachers, but performed well in front of Serika.

In the film of Father and Son, there is no image of Shaxie's father.
The appearance of Serika seemed to fill this gap.
He walked with him on the road, and saw a child being bullied by an older child, Shaxie couldn't stop looking back.
Celica: That's it.
Shaxie: Go and save him.
Serika: Go by yourself.
Shashe: What about you?
Serika: You can't fight two against one, right?
Shachet: But I'm going to hold this (bottle).
Serika: I'll get it. Follow me later.
Shaxie: Hey, don't bully the weak.
XXXX: What did you say?
Shaxie: Let him go, he wants to hit me and hit you.
XXXX: You give it a try.
Turned around but was about to leave.
XXXX: Hey, where are you going? Come here.
So, Sha Xie, with his hands in his trouser pockets, walked into the small dark room with him.
That scene made me laugh.
he seems to be mad at Serica.
Serika: Nothing to be afraid of, I've been beaten a few times too.
Shaxie (unconvinced): I'm not afraid! I fought back fiercely.
Somebody: What a nice worker.
Serika: He's not working class. is a musician.
Shashe: What did you just say?
Serika: Musician. Say you're not working class, but have an artist vibe.
Shaxie turned his head away angrily, took a few steps, turned back, and threw the long bread in his hand in front of Serika.
Celica: Come back. Do you know what you are doing? Did the bread fall from the sky? Is it possible to have it at will? pick it up. What would you think if someone dropped your violin on the ground?
After he finished speaking, he picked up the bread and left. Shaxie followed him like a child who did something wrong. ...the two got back together again.
his violin teacher was strict with him, his mother was strict with him, he was different. He influenced him with his words and deeds. like a father.

Details that I don't understand:
What is the meaning of the apple and the girl?
Why did the mischievous kid open the violin that Shashe had left on the road roller and put the lid on? (Did they actually envy him and bully him because he is different?)

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