The intersection of industry and music

Jennifer 2022-09-30 05:24:46

Directed by Tarkovsky, this film is a pure friendship that sprouts from different classes or classes. From the perspective of a child learning violin Shesha, the film reflects the sprout of friendship in the social nature of different classes in Russian society at that time. A severe torture of the pros and cons of human nature, it can be regarded as a masterpiece of the same type.

It fully reflects the scarcity of pure friendship under the confrontation between the proletariat and the bourgeoisie, and at the same time highlights the main content of the film, that is, the precious spirit and belief in the short-lived friendship, and in the nature of this environment, art becomes A perfect medium that can communicate without language, the character setting of the little boy Xie Sha greatly deepens the theme, and at the same time coincides with the director's description and thinking

1. The reflection in the mirror is also the reflection of childhood

The prop "mirror" and the standing water on the ground appeared in the film, which perfectly showed the visual effect of the image to the audience. Through the mirror and the real world and pictures reflected by the standing water section, the little boy Xie Shali took this to observe. His subjective shot of the big world, in the mirror, on the water, captured the scenery of the city, children playing with paper boats, falling red apples, and colorful balloons... Not only from the perspective of a little boy, but also more It is the director's retrospective and recollection of childhood, which makes the picture full of aesthetic poetry and texture, reflecting the true portrayal of the director's heart. , In fact, there is the director's selfishness for the design of this film, that is, the reminiscence of the past childhood.

2. The intersection of road roller and violin

The road roller represents the working class as well as the "bread"

The violin represents the bourgeoisie as well as "art"

The road roller is the most representative tool for road workers. In the film, the friendship between the road worker and the little boy was established because of the road roller, the relationship was established and sublimated. The seemingly dirty and stubborn oil turned into an industry under labor. At the same time, with the perfect cooperation of the violin and the road roller, industry and art do not seem to be in conflict or contradiction, but instead form the elegant tranquility and peace under the hustle and bustle. , The friendship under different classes also makes the innocence and beauty more real and precious, and at the same time enhances the portrayal of the innocence of friendship in the film. The director borrowed common and common props to describe the emotions unrelated to the world under the circumstances of the social atmosphere and nature at that time.

3. Balloons with innocence are a testimony to growth

In the film, a scene was shot under the wall, bullying the small because of snatch the balloon. The protagonist in the film, Xie Sha, came to the rescue and finally gave the balloon to the bullied boy. The effect of this scene is on the film. The content has played a great role in rendering. It seems to be a small case, but it is actually the inner growth and expansion of the protagonist Xie Sha. Xie Sha sees his former shadow in the little boy, which is a metaphor for Xie Sha not only helping him. "My former self" has cleared the siege, and it is also a personal growth. The short shot has witnessed the change of Xie Sha, and also witnessed the growth and expansion of Xie Sha, which has extended the character of the character, and it is better to use the shot. Consistent with the idea, the effect of advancing with each other

4. Light and thin paper airplanes cannot stop the pressure of reality

Xie Sha and the road workers made an appointment to go to the movie? Both of them did their jobs before the movie started. Unfortunately, Xie Sha did not complete this appointment because of her mother's hindrance. She wrote a note to drop the paper plane way to tell the reason, but the light and thin paper airplane did not break through the pressure of reality in the end. The two ended with regret about the end of this friendship journey, which also showed that they would eventually be forced by the pressure of reality and the difference of class. get along

At this point in the film, the director not only wants to express the friendship between the children and the young road workers, but also his thoughts on the society and personal inner thoughts at that time. The director makes the film give the audience a poetic beauty and texture beauty in enjoyment, not only poetry and painting. The film also reflects the problem of class antagonism in contemporary society, which brings deep emotional resonance to the viewers.

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