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Eve 2022-11-05 15:09:14

Stills of the movie "Road Roller and Violin"

A recurring scene in the movie: the water on the ground reflects the sky, symbolizing the upper class, and the road roller symbolizes the lower class. The sky and the road roller use the water as a medium to briefly meet in the mirror world. Evaporated, this meeting disappeared in an instant.

When recording the friendship between the little boy and the worker, the film repeatedly made this scene appear many times. Every time this scene flashed, the communication between the two sides deepened. However, the reflection of the sky will eventually disappear with the evaporation of the stagnant water, and the road roller cannot stay in place forever.

This recurring scene may symbolize that—across the gap between classes, no matter how much goodwill the two sides have for each other, mutual understanding and acceptance are accidental and fleeting.

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