A little bit of complaints and thoughts recorded with you.

Percival 2022-12-30 04:47:48

To be honest, the closer the time is to the war of aggression against China, the more complicated it is to watch Japanese movies of the same period. But objectively, it's still a good movie.

Watching the movie evoked my feeling of watching the comic book man: Can you make people live a better life? Heartbroken! Improper education! The bear boy owes his brother-in-law a beating! ! Sister control is not desirable!

"His name is Xue Daiyuan, his wife was killed by his own hands, and the younger brother of Feicunba."

big brother! You said something that shocked the audience with a calm face!

Even if the Plum Blossom Hidden Arrow is dodged, isn’t it a bit too much to be unable to hit Kenshin with Gatling in hand? It reminds me of how I felt when I was reading comics: Heyue, are you discriminating against technology...

Zuozhi: Are you Jianxin's brother-in-law?

Sister Control: ...you're dead

Big brother Xiaoxun was arrested. You changed your clothes and went back to the dojo to recall the past in front of the sign. Is this appropriate?

There is actually a room of hot weapon body strokes in the back, which is quite like a gun that is eight steps away and a fist that is eight steps away.

Another 1v200, the iron bar swivel master Hiicura Kenshin.

Xiaoxun... I really don't like the character created by the movie. In the original work, Xiaoxun is really optimistic, sunny, open-minded, really positive and positive, trying to look forward. In addition to the first movie version, the latter few Kaoru have been masked, which is a pity.

In fact, Kenshin in the original has more of a sense of strategizing, and it's quite handsome. It's a pity that the movie was limited by the length of the film, but it still made everyone gather firewood and flames were high. I remember that in the comics, when Jian Xin beat Xiao Yuan, he scolded him from the standpoint of his elders: "I haven't fallen yet! Yuan! When you wake up, I will tell you about the past that you don't know!"

Saitoichi was responsible for the most ruthless chopping of the most trashy fish with a cigarette in his mouth.

I gave Xiao Cao a picture of using Huitian Sword Dance for six consecutive times. I like the movie to add such small details to explain the extension line of the characters.

Fate, killing decisive, skillful, one-handed sword heart almost fighting back. Then just wait here and wait for the Kenshin to return to the health bar. All of your villains die without making up for it.

When I saw Xiaoxun being taken away, I once thought that the most terrifying and deceptive scene in the comics was coming, namely: Xiaoxun's "corpse" was nailed to the dojo wall, and his face was engraved with cross wounds.

This scene had a great impact on me, and the next few words kept wandering between "How can Kenshin live" and "How can Kenshin die". Fortunately, the movie does not have this paragraph. The fate of the movie is more like a child with childhood emotional trauma.

After watching it, the Kenshin movie is indeed the best movie in comics. This one probably doesn't have a five-star level (the original Renzhuan is like that), but who doesn't have feelings.

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