While the Rabbit family and their owners reveled in the work's influence and his image in front of the "Peet Rabbit" mega-advert, Little Peter was portrayed as a "villain" in the new play. Disappointed to leave...
Back in real life, we must have experienced the frustration of being misunderstood or denied by others. It seems that in the movie it is because of the virtual plot, but in real life, parents do not always ignore their children. Do you feel the same mistake? Evaluate a child's behavior with one's own standards and norms, and easily label it as "trickster", "little sloppy", and "stupid child". It seems to be just a casual expression, but it will be in the hearts of children. Leaving indelible damage, makes them feel denied, so they begin to despise themselves and obliterate their ability and character. If children with stronger psychological motivation, such as Peter in the film, will be extremely resistant and want to prove that they are the embodiment of justice, which cannot be misunderstood. When you meet someone who can accept, affirm and appreciate yourself (like the "old rabbit"), it is like the night is illuminated by stars, and you will use your strength to prove your worth and light. This is a hope of rebirth.
In reality, the anger, resistance and even attack shown by those children who are treated unfairly are a kind of active struggle and hard work. As a parent, if you can see the strong vitality and survival behind it. Desires will turn problems into useful resources, enter their hearts, and soothe their hearts. Just imagine, those children who leave silently and quietly have either experienced the helplessness after fighting for it, or experienced the failure after confronting themselves, and will leave silently until there is nothing worthy of nostalgia.
To be fair, everyone has their own evaluation criteria. The "fairness theory" will think that everything in the world is fair. Since it gives you a proud face, it will take away your intelligent heart; since it gives you enviable wealth, it will also make you suffer from the hardships of life. The "anti-fairness theory" thinks that everything is not fair, why do others have a happy family and a high position; Like happiness, fairness is dominated by individual subjective feelings and self-evaluation, and there is no unified standard and perfect answer. In this case, is it inherently unfair that we use our own "view of fairness" to interpret the "view of fairness" of others? When children think they are being treated unfairly, they need to be respectful rather than judged right or wrong.
Being addicted to games and joining bad organizations is not because children want to give up on themselves or escape from reality. In fact, the real driving force behind them is how to "prove themselves". Where is my role? Where is my value? When this kind of certainty cannot be satisfied in the person he loves, he can only create conditions and achieve satisfaction through himself. This is the last harbor in the child's heart.
I believe that in every parent who has experienced problem behavior there must be some confusion about what to do if it keeps going like this. I want to say, please don't worry about the unknown that doesn't happen. Just like the thought that Peter Rabbit 2: The Escape Plan wants to convey to us, believe in the power of encouragement, and love can heal everything.
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