She's so beautiful, so sexy, so approachable, yet so far, so elusive

Jazmin 2022-04-19 09:02:52

I find that now that I am older, I prefer to watch quieter films. Movies like Fast and Furious, to me, are more like anti-Japanese dramas. Or films like The Beast and the Beauty, which celebrate innocence and beauty, and the good and the bad are clear.

And Europe seems to have some quieter films. The things they tell are very ordinary and trivial, but they can evoke some small feelings about life and society. After watching it, I smiled softly from the bottom of my heart-----then I think this kind of film is worth spending more than an hour watching.

A beautiful film. The beauty of the French countryside, the lush landscapes, the tranquility, the small town life full of curiosity and prying eyes on its neighbors. Beautiful young and sexy female lead.

The male protagonist, who has been soaked in literature, takes the beautiful new neighbor he meets for granted as Madame Bovary in the new era, just because his family name is also Bovary. Old men are still men, and their fascination with women's bodies doesn't change because of age and marriage. But the old man is still very kind and interesting, knowing that even if the other party is the new Madame Bovary, the object of derailment will not be him. There is a thief heart but not a thief, but more love and kindness. Very cute character. Reminds me of myself.

But in fact, that woman is not Madame Bovary, she is not tragic. Her beauty and affiliation make people fascinated, and her randomness without self-restraint only makes tragedy unfold around her. Whether it's her husband, the scumbag of her ex-boyfriend, or the young man after the aristocrat in school, or even the old man, the male lead, she's actually mad at her. She is not Madame Bovary, she is a new human being, her mood is erratic, and she has abandoned the traditional rules and regulations, making people unpredictable and heart-wrenching. She may be just a little kid who doesn't know what she wants, but she is so beautiful.

Even I fell in love with this woman, and after watching the film, I immediately searched for the name of the actress. Of course, love is useless, how can people like me, but if you like it, it's okay. Ha ha.

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Gemma Bovery quotes

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