Living life speaks to us most beautiful and true without the aid of magic

Davonte 2022-10-28 19:42:13

The more persistent you are, the more powerful you are.

"The Biggest Little Farm" is a documentary that records and maps the unseen struggles behind every inspiring success. The protagonists of the story are a young couple, John and Molly, who used to live in a small apartment in Santa Monica. John is a wildlife photographer and Molly is a food blogger. Their commitment to each other is to create a meaningful life together. The opening of the plan began with the appearance of a stray dog ​​named Todd. In order to fulfill the promise to Todd's last home, to allow Todd to run unrestrained, and for the rural life of his dreams, they took action.

From the initial search for investors, to the acquisition of 1,200 mu of wasteland, to one, two, three, seven years... In ten years, they continued to build, and they continued to encounter many unexpected and unexpected problems. In the first six years, when the natural ecological cycle has not yet formed, various biological predators will always be one and the other. Burnt out. The biggest dilemma was when Alan, their professional guide, left forever, and since then, they had to face all the difficulties and challenges they had never met on their own. No one guides them, so they look up the information by themselves. If they have no experience to learn from, they rely on their own eyes to observe, discover, judge and solve. They feel every pulse of nature, listen to every voice of nature, and read Every language of nature, sticking to the belief of being integrated with nature, has overcome many obstacles.

Finally, the young couple have penetrated the true meaning of the biological diversity organic recycling ecological agriculture concept left by Allen through continuous exploration and practice. They have understood that only by following the operation mode of the complete pure natural ecological chain can the The most effective and labor-saving means of ecological balance. After the seventh year, they began to receive the richest gift from nature - a heavenly and wonderful ecological farm has been formed. This delicate symbiotic environment originates from the law of survival that all things interact with each other and the balance of the cycle of life. Life on the farm is endless and vigorous, and the couple has a baby of their own. What is even more unbelievable is that because of the reasonable construction of the farm, or because of their respect, deep love and care for the big self-heating, it is both accidental and inevitable, allowing them to withstand hurricanes, droughts, wildfires, etc. All kinds of natural disasters, in this ecological farm they created together, people and animals, people and nature coexist harmoniously in the most beautiful way, and this is the most touching part of this documentary.

Ten years of spring planting and autumn harvest, ten years of filth and odor, and many hardships are hidden from the camera. People admire the beauty of the moment when the flowers bloom and the fruits are ripe, but how many people have tasted the long period from sowing to harvesting. bitter? In the era of fast food where interests are paramount, everything is pursued faster and faster, but the growth and existence of all things have their inherent laws and rhythms. Once destroyed, it will be like the farm in the early stage of the film. , Invincible, overwhelmed.

Regarding the theme of this documentary, the protagonist John Chester (John Chester) said that most nature documentaries are based on fear, human beings are greedy, the victim is always the earth, and the audience will only feel depressed and hopeless after watching it. . But what I want to show is a healing experience, we can't just watch the things we love die. The people and creatures in this largest small farm are lucky, this tenacious couple used their practical actions to achieve the true harmony between man and nature, and the symbiosis of love. This documentary is also like a documentary Love documentaries that teach us how to love the home we live in. Today, due to human contempt and destruction of nature, global warming has intensified, many species have become extinct, mineral resources have plummeted, glaciers have rapidly melted, forest areas have been shrinking again and again, and various new viruses are raging... Nature is overloaded and exhausted. , it's time for us to learn how to love it.

Two people, 1200 acres of wasteland, only do one thing in ten years, they are worthy of respect! There are no shortcuts in the world. On the road to the dream, every step forward is a brand new experiment. There are countless difficulties, confusion and frustration, failure and pain. With new questions constantly emerging, the cycle goes on and on, and John says, “If we’ve learned anything, it’s the motivation and hope to move forward.” Without motivation and hope, what else can we do?

I would like to thank John and Molly for their ten years of perseverance and dedication. I also thank them for their hard work, and they recorded countless shocking and moving moments in the course of ten years with precious images. "A living life can tell us the most beautiful and true stories without the help of magic at all. The real face of nature is thousands of times more beautiful than the realm that a poet can describe." From "Animism" This passage of "And Beautiful" has the most intuitive interpretation in this film. I have never seen such a cute pig Emma, ​​jealous Todd, little piglet with pointy ears, black head and white body lamb, like Pig Emma's rooster oil head, owl with noble white double eyelids, flower wolves with clear eyes, gophers rushing around, silly sheepdogs, shepherds and ducks... The dewdrops in the morning, the sunset at sunset, The clear lake water... Every real face that grows is so lovely that it will melt your heart. Nature is so beautiful that all things in the world, animals, humans, and all living things can coexist harmoniously and grow freely. The most beautiful prospect.

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The Biggest Little Farm quotes

  • John Chester: This all started with a promise that we would leave the big city and build a life in perfect harmony with nature.