Time machine thinking experiment

Karson 2021-12-18 08:01:15

Suddenly a question comes to mind. If you have a time machine and use it to win 1 million lottery tickets and all kinds of happy, you only need to cross to the time when you just won 1 million before you spend it all, then you can enjoy 1 million again, which is like in a movie. If his liquid hydrogen fuel is almost used up, he can use the time machine again when he comes back from stealing the fuel.

But there is a problem here is that you have enjoyed the 1 million but you re-enjoy the enjoyment before the 1 million after you rewind it. Is it real or just a fantasy for you? What is the meaning of it?

The premise of this discussion is that you have a memory that is not limited by time, otherwise you will only have a memory forever, which is the memory before the point in time you traveled through with the time machine. If this memory point is after the invention of the time machine, you may reset it again. If this point in time is before the invention of the time machine, then maybe after this crossing you may have taken a different path and the world did not invent the time machine at all.

So there are two possibilities here. The first is that the time machine may have been invented many times, but it has been traversed too long ago by the inventor and reset its invented timeline. But there is a problem here is that the observer sees the time. What impact will the machine person have on the world if he does not follow the time machine? He may have seen a strange disappearance case in the world, so is it possible that the strange disappearance case in the world is one in 10,000? Is it related to time machine?

If the observer knows the time machine, then it is necessary to discuss whether the time machine will travel with the traverser. If so, then maybe he can only retain the memory of seeing the time machine. If not, then he can choose to use the time machine and become The user problem is back to the user at the beginning. Some people will wonder if no one chooses to use it? Then there is no need to discuss the time machine, which can be equivalent to not having a time machine.

The second possibility is that the time machine is not allowed to travel until it was invented. Many people are more in favor. After all, at least the Occam's razor principle tells us that this may be a cycle of explaining the invention of the time machine and then taking the time machine back and guiding the past self how to invent it. The simple method of theory. However, this kind of thinking time machine seems to have become a large recorder. It records the infinite variety of worlds after him. You can choose among them, but you can never cross to the world before it was invented.

If so, how different is this time machine from a different-dimensional world? Maybe one is trying various possibilities after the virtual world is invented, the other is trying various possibilities after the real world time machine is invented, then this virtual world and the real world Where is the difference? One has the flesh and the other? After a death can be read in the lower level of the real world, and another is annihilated after death? But if we assume that the real world is also a lower level of surrealism, the simulation can be read from the surreal again after death, then our world and the virtual world are exactly the same as the two mirrored worlds. You are in it. I don't know where we are, then how can we prove that there is no such surreal world? Maybe never

But as sometimes everyone thinks why the universe does not have a maximum temperature but a minimum temperature is set, why is there an upper limit of speed that is exactly 300,000 kilometers per second, so neat, why is there such a perfect formula as e=mc2, is it designed to be like this? Child?

The question goes back to the beginning of the thinking experiment. We went through to the time when we just won the 1 million lottery. We experienced the 1 million kinds of life that used the 1 million lottery, and you still have the memory that will not disappear. So what is the meaning of the time machine to you? That is, you can experience an infinite variety of possible opportunities to overthrow and start again. If you think about it carefully, do you have the ability to create the world like a god in a virtual world, but this ability is in the real world? It is equivalent to turning yourself into an ordinary person in the surreal world, and you can play God in the real world. So, is it possible that the time machine is actually the gateway to the upper latitudes?

After experiencing enough possibilities, you will definitely exhaust all possible possibilities. Then the possibilities will become inevitable. Just as long as the time is long enough, a monkey can type the complete works of Shakespeare on a typewriter. At that time, time and space are for you. It may not have any meaning because you are the complete works, omnipotent and all-encompassing, so have you become the god of the real world or the world may be created by you, so the necessary and sufficient condition to become a god may be to have control time The ability is just as the real world is to the virtual world. Super reality is to reality. We can easily acquire this ability like watching a movie and pulling a progress bar.

But the most fundamental and ultimate question we cannot answer is that I created the world. So who created me and how does the creator exist? I think we can never answer because we are a part of existence, ourselves and even our thinking. It is all produced by it. Our thinking can only be limited to the inside of existence. As for why it exists, we can only say that because it is existence, we will think about why it exists. It is a bit like the anthropological theorem. But maybe this is the meaning of existence. Existence is inherently meaningless. It may exist and not exist at the same time, but it does not exist. I can’t think about why I don’t exist.

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