Don't take miracles too seriously, work hard!

Kristofer 2022-12-26 03:03:11

8.23 After watching √ It was Hirokazu Koreeda who named the movie so big, but he accidentally used the word "miracle" to implement the word "miracle" in a very small thing. And this work is narrated by Hirokazu Koreeda using a new perspective of "children". Children should be carefree, but all kinds of life make them grow. The word miracle, although it may feel great, is actually some of our seemingly unreachable wishes. When people want to realize their wishes, they always want to find some critical point where they can pray. It may be on the mountain, it may be by the sea, it may be after a setback, it may be in the dead of night, but in the movie, it is uniquely Japanese, when two shinkansen trains pass by, just shout at yourself wish, a miracle will happen. I quite like this setting. I like the BGM of the movie very much, and it also depicts some people and things, grandpa's light soup, the waiting port of the tram, the volcanic ash that falls every day in Kagoshima, the quiet alley, the uncle patrolling, those who seemed to be far away when I was a child. unattainable wish. When I watch it, I always feel that my childhood was lost in my growth, and only the scraps can sometimes evoke memories.

Reminds me of a sentence in "Daily" "The day-to-day life we ​​spend...maybe it's a series of miracles"

I want to achieve miracles too! Come on!

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