The power to believe is a miracle

Santino 2022-04-19 09:02:50

Two parallel rails. The train is approaching. The rumbling sound like a stuffy jar gradually became clear and turned into a roar. The last two trains whizzed past.

Seven people, stepping on the railing and looking around, only waiting for the last moment when the trains meet.

The strong wind slapped the body. Only the wind can be heard. The roar of the train made the ground tremble, as if it were about to crack.

In front of the overwhelming power that I have never seen before, I shout out my wishes and dreams at the same time with the highest volume. Even because of too much force, his face flushed red, and he unconsciously stood on tiptoe, as if stretching his body could help release more power.

The sound of the train seemed to disappear at once, and there was only shouting in my ears.

I hope my dad can write good songs.
I want to make myself better at drawing.
I want to be an actress.
I hope the feet become stronger and can run faster.
Pet puppy marbles resurrected.
Dad no longer hits small steel balls.

What a figurative and unpretentious wish—well, except perhaps for actresses—but with the kind of energy that Emirates imagined a volcanic eruption would burst forth.

Seven faces, except for Ah Hang, the rest are full of firmness. It is a kind of happiness, confidence and hearty exudes from the bottom of my heart, as if the huge airflow when the train whizzes has been transformed into its own strength, and then passed on to the gods who dominate the wishes through their own shouts.

The voice in my heart is infinitely amplified. This is my wish and dream, and it will surely come true.

Nearly two hours of bland but warm narrative finally made my emotions soar and overflow when everyone shouted loudly after dozens of scenes of life.

Emirates always hesitated and didn't call out his wish. In the end, he said, he chose the world over his family. Ehang, who had always hoped that the family of four could be together, chose the volcano not to erupt after struggling, so that Kagoshima could enjoy peace. A few seconds of struggle, but let him grow in an instant.

-- "Isn't the speed of the Sakura Shinkansen from Kagoshima 260 kilometers per hour? The Swallow from Bodfa also has a speed of 260 kilometers. This happens when these two cars meet for the first time."

--"What's the matter?"



--"It emits terrifying energy, and the wishes of those who see this energy can come true. It's like a shooting star."

--"Hey, really Right?"

-- "Hmm."

When I saw this conversation, I was incredulous. A child is a child, you can believe it.

Unexpectedly, everyone had their own wishes, and the journey started like this.

I tried every means to get enough money for the ticket, the teacher turned a blind eye, the grandfather cooperated in acting, the mother was nothing, and the kind old couple took in....

The completion of the journey is a miracle.

The brothers Ah Hang and Ryunosuke live in different cities with their divorced parents. Two journeys, one encounter, and finally waved, returning to their respective lives.

Life still doesn't seem to have changed. Parents are still separated. Ryunosuke still hadn't learned the butterfly stroke. Volcanic ash is still falling in Kagoshima. After all, the marbles could not be resurrected.

But what is different from before. When I opened the floor-to-ceiling windows and saw the sunlight falling all over the floor, a part of my heart seemed to become firm.

The power to believe is a miracle.

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