Suffocated love, unbearable.

Rebekah 2022-09-30 05:40:05

It's just about loving someone,

why make it so complicated and have so many boundaries,

love someone whether it's male, female or transgender,

so what?

Love is a matter of two people, it has nothing to

do with other people around.

There is no right or wrong,

just different choices.

Love and regret are in one's own thoughts.

Everyone who comes to the world has the right to enjoy happiness.

Don't use the so-called morality and rules to eliminate the similarities and differences with you. In the

end, the saddest thing is deep in your heart. the courageless self.

The rainbow is colorful because it does not distinguish each color.

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Extended Reading

Soldier's Girl quotes

  • [last lines]

    Calpernia Addams: [voiceover] The imagination is the most powerful force known to mankind. And it is my imagined self, the one who is beautiful and loving and worthy of being loved, that has been my guiding force. My inspiration. I can only hope to become the person Barry imagined me to be. I pray for the courage it will take to become a real, live soldier's girl.

    [performs to "Fever"]

    Title card: Calpernia Addams has completed her sex-reassignment surgery. She now works in hospital administration in Los Angeles.

    Title card: Calvin Glover was sentenced to life in prison for murder, and will be eligible for parole in fifteen years.

    Calvin Glover: Can I talk to my mom please?

    Justin Fisher: I could feel his will to live, and feel him dying at the same time. I was, I was holding Barry in my arms. I was the last person to do that.

    Title card: Justin Fisher was sentenced to twelve and a half years in prison for obstruction of justice and providing alcohol to a minor. He will be eligible for parole in three years.

  • Barry Winchell): You know what really pisses me off?

    Calpernia Addams: What?

    Barry Winchell): You outrank me.