Absolute stunner!

Marquise 2022-04-22 07:01:49

Lee's acting is so good, how can the action be so natural! Absolute woman, absolute stunner! Without feeling awkward at all. A man who is 195cm can play a woman so well, it's amazing to me. It was so much fun watching Lee bouncing around on stage. All his shots feel so natural.

I like the way when he and Da Bing first met and asked him to come over for a barbecue and ran after him. Why was his waist so white, thin and tender. It's a pity that the chest looks fake, not so elastic and not soft. But I haven't been able to find the seam, I don't know where to start it, it really looks like a whole piece of skin. But if it can be seen from the film that it is pasted, then the makeup is too unskilled.

The story itself is simple and the plot is completely predictable. After all, the real story is put on the big screen, and the reality is so cruel, like the end of the story.

It's a shame that this film was nominated for a Golden Globe but didn't get it, I think Lee's woman is better than Hilary Swank's boy in Boys Don't Cry. The latter took the little golden man back.

Maybe it's the same TV show produced by Showtime, maybe it's transgender, maybe it's the two-person drama "Guardians", which makes me think Kate Moenning is really similar to him. But Kate is a woman after all. Playing a male-to-female transgender is still not as real and convincing as Lee's. Of course, the male-to-female character in "Crossing America" ​​was also played by an actress, and she acted very well. I once doubted the gender of the lead actor. But go and see Ha Lixiu that is the most real. I digress... In short, I hope Lee will have better works in the future, I feel that he has been a little bit backward recently...

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Extended Reading

Soldier's Girl quotes

  • [last lines]

    Calpernia Addams: [voiceover] The imagination is the most powerful force known to mankind. And it is my imagined self, the one who is beautiful and loving and worthy of being loved, that has been my guiding force. My inspiration. I can only hope to become the person Barry imagined me to be. I pray for the courage it will take to become a real, live soldier's girl.

    [performs to "Fever"]

    Title card: Calpernia Addams has completed her sex-reassignment surgery. She now works in hospital administration in Los Angeles.

    Title card: Calvin Glover was sentenced to life in prison for murder, and will be eligible for parole in fifteen years.

    Calvin Glover: Can I talk to my mom please?

    Justin Fisher: I could feel his will to live, and feel him dying at the same time. I was, I was holding Barry in my arms. I was the last person to do that.

    Title card: Justin Fisher was sentenced to twelve and a half years in prison for obstruction of justice and providing alcohol to a minor. He will be eligible for parole in three years.

  • Barry Winchell): You know what really pisses me off?

    Calpernia Addams: What?

    Barry Winchell): You outrank me.