Any kind of love is worth affirming

Pete 2022-04-20 09:02:25

It was the first time I saw a transgender movie, and it felt amazing. I don't know why this movie was classified as gay. Isn't this a "heterosexual" story?

It was written at the beginning that it was adapted from a real story? Later, I learned that Barry was only 22 years old when he died. There is a line in it that I like very much: Don't look down on yourself in front of me in the future, this is my personal order. That feeling of being loved is really confident, because even ordinary heterosexuals will be suppressed, ridiculed and other behaviors, not to mention love in lgbtq, you may subconsciously deny yourself that you are not with others. Same, isn't it normal. And the interaction between them, the eyes really make me feel the taste of love between lovers.

In addition, talk about Fisher and the boy who killed the soldier (can't remember the name), I really want to ask, can anyone in the United States be a soldier? Why are there weird people. During this period of time, I have been watching "Mr. Toad Goes to a Psychiatrist", and when I watched it, I used to analyze what they had experienced in the past two years, which led to the current situation. I've always felt that Fisher likes soldiers and is too possessive. Netizens said that he was afraid of being in the dark and was unwilling to face himself. This is the reason.

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Extended Reading

Soldier's Girl quotes

  • [last lines]

    Calpernia Addams: [voiceover] The imagination is the most powerful force known to mankind. And it is my imagined self, the one who is beautiful and loving and worthy of being loved, that has been my guiding force. My inspiration. I can only hope to become the person Barry imagined me to be. I pray for the courage it will take to become a real, live soldier's girl.

    [performs to "Fever"]

    Title card: Calpernia Addams has completed her sex-reassignment surgery. She now works in hospital administration in Los Angeles.

    Title card: Calvin Glover was sentenced to life in prison for murder, and will be eligible for parole in fifteen years.

    Calvin Glover: Can I talk to my mom please?

    Justin Fisher: I could feel his will to live, and feel him dying at the same time. I was, I was holding Barry in my arms. I was the last person to do that.

    Title card: Justin Fisher was sentenced to twelve and a half years in prison for obstruction of justice and providing alcohol to a minor. He will be eligible for parole in three years.

  • Barry Winchell): You know what really pisses me off?

    Calpernia Addams: What?

    Barry Winchell): You outrank me.