Now, those who pretend to be forced have begun to understand the taste. They found that there are so many profound philosophies hidden in this spoof movie - even Zhou Xingxing exclaimed the philosophies they did not expect.
Looking at it now, it's still a typical spoof movie. Those goblins, those little disciples of the beggar gang, those crossing bridges... In the whole film, there is only one theme song that has the most depth - the love of a lifetime.
This is what Liu Zhenwei wants to say most.
In other words, Liu Zhenwei - Zhou Xingxing, co-produced an MTV of "The Love of Your Life".
A super long MTV about love (now people call it MV),
some young literary and artistic young people who are philosophical about this film and who consciously have a style, think that everything is classic. In fact, it was nothing more than a moan after masturbation.
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