I don't understand it's normal, the movie is good

Chesley 2022-04-19 09:02:49

In the name of the two major European goddesses, I watched this psychological thriller "Don't Look Back". I have to say that Europeans are still relatively "cultured", and even an audience like me who has seen the world for the first time really didn't understand it. Throughout the first pass, I was wondering, what the hell is this about? magic? conspiracy? It was not until I read some tips on the Internet and read the key parts a second time that I realized that this is talking about psychology, and changing clothes twice before and after is the key Hints, and the car accident section that is arranged at the end is everything the source of.
To be honest, because this film is too brain-intensive, when I saw the car accident, my brain was already in a semi-strike state, and I couldn’t turn it around at all. Of course, I couldn’t string together the key sections.
Looking back, the theme of the film is still very clear and simple, but the language of the shots and the arrangement of the scenes are too difficult to understand. Of course, another reason is that, as a Chinese, we have been ignoring our attention to psychological issues, so much so that I didn't think in this direction at all, I guess it would be easier for European audiences to guess these things.
Alas, people have already moved from the stage of physical health to the stage of mental health, and we are still banning the forwarding of "yellow jokes" on mobile phones. I've been wondering if this environment has killed some of our brain functions, and, I'm not sure, of course it's possible, and then affect some physiological functions, such as the occasional smile and shrug. It is always tense, very tired, and may not be able to relax again. Come on, it's horrible. Watching jokes is a psychological and physical need. And, I think the most demand for these is precisely the group of people who are screaming to kill it. so fun.
As long as we don't give up our desires, we can always find fun and give ourselves a holiday, but what about those people? Are they not tired? Tired of thinking about it.
I'm still watching "The Seventy Years of the Late Ming Dynasty" recently. All the people in it have one characteristic: Tired! . Of course, I mean psychologically.
Looking back at this film, I think that things that are difficult to sell must have reliable packaging. Sophie and Monica are undoubtedly good packaging, just like Wong Kar Wai likes to use the royal packaging bags like Tony Leung. However, there are two kinds of things that are hard to sell, one is the real material, and the other is "three shots" (I think the underwear factory in Shanghai should talk to Director Zhang about the loss of brand value). What a colorful wrapping paper.
PS: The best scene in the whole film I think is the last scene:

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