Today's redemption cannot wash away yesterday's sins

Allen 2022-10-20 14:39:11

Once you stop the habit of writing after reading that you have slowly developed, you will have the initial feeling of not being able to write when you pick it up. It is not difficult to do things, but it is really difficult and difficult to keep doing it all the time. Raise the flag again!

A movie montage tells two stories at the same time in flashbacks and narratives. The second story is a copy of the first story. Several doubts at the beginning of the movie are always in the back of the mind, and the audience's taste is full of taste. With the development of the second story, the many suspense of the first story is slowly solved, and the kind of: Oh, It was so! A feeling of relief that a suppressed emotion in my heart can finally be released.

After talking about my feelings, let’s go back to the movie itself. I have been suffering for 15 years outside of prison. Although I have been innocent from a legal point of view, I think my punishment has made up for my past sins, but for the victims, this is not enough to have a crime. Lighten up in the slightest. Don't tell me I'm sorry, don't tell me that you are repenting all the time, don't say that you have also suffered the purgatory of your soul, don't tell me, these are not worth the loss of a close relative. At this moment, the more I write, the more angry I feel. Maybe the psychological impact of the movie is too great, so that I have these scenes in my dreams after watching it, but even so, the filming of crime-themed movies like Bangzi Country is really good.

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