An afterthought

Bernadette 2022-10-16 21:25:35

The atmosphere of the whole film is really too full of horror and tension, and it really meets the needs of horror. When it is suspenseful, it is also very appetizing. Officer Wu has always insisted on the last moment when the truth came out. It's really amazing to recreate the case with the way of repaying the other people in the painful days. The scene where I covered my face and cried in front of Xiaochun and finally brought my shoes to pay homage to the child and hugged the tree made people cry... The child is heartbroken! Do what you want to do to people and be a person not to hurt others because they are also the children of your own mother! It's so sad!

As for the technique of montage, I didn’t understand it before. Now I don’t think it’s very special after reading it. The timeline is indeed a bit messy. It takes some time to think about it, but it’s much worse than chasing the murderer in the white night.

In terms of plot, I want to complain that the police are too rubbish. Fifteen years ago, the chief wasted police force in order to block reporters. Fifteen years later, the chief of another branch only believes in the evidence that is conducive to reaching the conclusion he wants, and ignores the obvious behind the evidence. The public servants who are chasing fame and fortune through loopholes instead of really benefiting the people and wasting public food see me so angry. Maybe they want to satirize the Korean government through a film, but it's a bit superficial.

Fortunately, it's a closed ending that doesn't make people angry like murder memories (fortunately, I found it in reality) It's not that unfinished endings are bad because although not all happy endings in reality, I still want to see good endings. At the end of the day, people prefer good things.

I want to compare Memories of Murder again. Memories of Murder is more boring. The ending is not liked by ordinary audiences. Ordinary people can't taste it technically, but montage is more to my taste

So five star rating.

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