law and love

Jerad 2022-04-24 07:01:23

In "Swallow", the prisoner who raped his daughter did not get enough punishment. Lao Song used lynching to punish the bad guy. Feng Guojin cried bitterly and said, "In this world, the bad guys can't be caught, and the good guys keep making mistakes. What do you want me to do?" In "I'm Not the God of Medicine", real medicine is too expensive, and Cheng Yong, who distresses the poor, sells "fake medicine". When Cao Bin was handling the case, the old grandmother grabbed his hand and said, "Please don't arrest him. If you arrest him, we can't survive. Can I survive if I want?" Junichi deserves to die, but the law can't sentence him to death, so he designed a trap for Mikami Junichi to die. "Montage" The mother who lost her child 15 years ago saw the laughter and laughter of the suspect's family after the prosecution period. She decided to use her own method to kidnap the suspect's granddaughter and frame him. Law and favor should not be in opposition. Also, "In such an event, if lynching is allowed, it will be one vengeance for another vengeance, and the endless vengeance will intensify. In order to prevent this from happening, someone has to do it for them. ." This is the meaning of the existence of the police and legal personnel.

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