Some details can be polished more reasonably

Lacy 2022-04-23 07:04:26

The story as a whole is very complete and exciting. The title of montage is also the finishing touch. The structure of the story is montage, and many montage techniques are used in the description of the film, which enhances the confusing and suspenseful color.

Compared with many films that sacrifice rationality in order to highlight the twists and turns of the plot, this film is perfect. However, a few details are a bit abrupt and affect the viewing experience. It can be polished to be more reasonable.

One is that the heroine's sudden detective and top-level kidnappers are possessed, which lacks rationality. When the prosecution period for her daughter's kidnapping case was approaching, the heroine was in a weak and desperate state. Chasing the murderer alone with an umbrella, quickly pinpointing the real murderer, and quickly solving the case of the pig-headed police officer who had not made progress in 15 years, this is a reversal of the gods, and it feels very abrupt. Therefore, in the arrangement of the characters, the heroine should be arranged with a plot that has always been independently researching the case, such as the most commonly used scene: a room full of clues on the wall, it is best to pull a few more lines. In addition, the heroine also successfully replicated the kidnapping case fifteen years ago, which is also abrupt. In order for the heroine to complete revenge, in addition to her inner hatred, she also needs character, physical fitness, planning and hands-on ability. This can also be a foreshadowing in the early stage. For example, the heroine is soft on the outside and tough on the inside, swearing that the criminals will be punished. He usually insists on physical training, and shows strong planning and hands-on ability in his work. In this way, it will not be so sudden for the heroine to change from a desperate woman to a detective kidnapper.

The second is that the real culprit was coerced by the female protagonist to go to the train station to withdraw money for a while, and his physical fitness and agility far exceeded that of the pig-headed police. After all, he is just an old man, which is a bit exaggerated. In addition, the old man is a criminal, who can plan such a big case, not the owner of fuel economy. When the heroine asks him to repeat his experience, he can definitely feel that something is wrong, instead of completely obeying the heroine's instructions like a rookie.

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