The person who caught the little boy must be grandpa

Newell 2022-04-21 09:03:26

The person who caught the little boy must be grandpa
. The first thing he wanted to say was that the movie is called , not only is the crime method a montage, but also the filming method is a montage. A specific example from the movie: Why did we not suspect Xi Jin's mother (the heroine) when the second case happened, because the director arranged for the heroine to find clues alone and the police to handle the second case together. It is people who have the illusion that the two main lines are happening at the same time, which provides a strong proof that the heroine cannot commit a crime. Editing the two pictures together by means of montage will have different effects. Likewise, the scene of the attempted kidnapping of the little boy, although scheduled before the second case, did not take place at the time. Because if the heroine did it, it wouldn't make sense at all. The heroine is very purposeful in doing things and will not look for an irrelevant child, but it is very likely that the grandfather fifteen years ago was looking for prey. Yes, the fact that the grandfather stole the car was also confirmed in the testimony provided by the motorcycle driver later.
The movie is like a fragment of memory, it seems to be very confusing, but after watching it, it is actually very clear. The reason for using the montage editing method, I think, is to create a suspenseful atmosphere, or to remove the doubts about the heroine. Sometimes this montage technique can impose the director's subjective ideas on the audience's logical thinking.

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