Never underestimate the determination and strength of a mother

Hubert 2022-04-21 09:03:26

Typical cases caused by the inaction of the police (South Korea), in this film, most of the criminal police are not only played by criminals, but there are always pig teammates in the team at critical moments, which is simply ridiculous.

Do not do what you want to others, and kill other people's children in order to save your own children, even if you can escape legal sanctions, you will eventually pay a price; in contrast, the heroine who relies on her own strength to investigate independently It has to be awe-inspiring - never underestimate the determination and strength of a mother. When the law cannot give due justice, there is usually only one way left to revenge.

Generally speaking, the overall structure of the film is compact, the plot promotion is reasonable, and the rhythm is just right. The clever timeline of parallel staggered cuts adds to the twists and turns of the story, while also making several plot lines staggered appropriately. Whether it's using one mistake to punish another wrong plot concept, or the character setting of the criminal and the victim 15 years later, the roles are reversed; in comparison, some minor bugs do not affect the overall film. Logic, don't care.

PS personally think that the male protagonist's final performance is somewhat of a virgin.

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