The expectations are too high, there are too many bugs, and the rules are quite satisfactory.

Itzel 2022-04-21 09:03:26

7.5. Sincerity can't reach 8 points.

When I watched "Manslaughter", I watched this movie by Amway after a long time. The expectations were too high, and I wanted to see a perfect crime with a tight rhythm and a mellow logic. But after watching it was really disappointing.

The cinematography and tone of the film are in line with the industrial standards of the Korean genre, but the editing is a bit patchy and the pacing is weird. Some clips are forcibly sensational, and some clips are too vague, and I feel very bloody at the end.

The story can be summed up in one sentence: the mother of the victim, who exceeded the failure of the prosecution, traced the real culprit herself, and framed the criminal back to the law.

There are several embarrassing bugs in the whole film:

1. The case of 15 years ago, the police chief turned out to track down counterfeit bills with complete disregard for the criminals and the kidnappers who were not found at the time? Before the kidnapped person is found, the mother of the kidnapped person should at least send someone to watch, to prevent the kidnappers from extorting or trading again, right?

2. Xizhen's mother took Xiaochun away, but Xiaochun didn't resist at all?

3. After Xiaochun was kidnapped, he saw Xizhen's mother's face the whole time. After Xiaochun was released, he could easily turn over the confession.

There are other very bloody little bugs, such as:

1. Whether the police officers 15 years ago or 15 years later (drop their mobile phone while tracking the phone at the victim's house, go out to find someone to take the stairs, can't read the message) why are they so stupid,

2. Why is an old man (Han Che) who is at least 50 years old with such agile skills and escaped almost twice under the pursuit of young criminal police?

3. Why didn't Xizhen's mother go to the warehouse to clean up the mess after Han Che was arrested? Is the tape so easy to find and repair? And the police have no interest in the warehouse described in Han Che's confession? Even sending someone to take a look is too lazy to go, and the almighty male protagonist has to go and search in person?

Moreover, what I found hard to accept from the beginning of the film is that since the male protagonist also cares so much about the case 15 years ago, why can he be disheartened and let it all go at the end of the prosecution period? As a policeman, facing a nightmare that has plagued me for 15 years, even if the prosecution period is over, I shouldn't let it go so completely, right? Even if he can't be sent to prison, just because of curiosity, he should at least find this person. What's more, it's so close that the suspect's umbrella is kept in the hotel, and she has already met with her. Xizhen's mother can find the murderer single-handedly. The male protagonist, who has been a criminal policeman for many years, unexpectedly resigned like this and let it go easily?

One more thing, Xizhen's mother's eye makeup is really ugly! ! The lower eyelashes turned into a gothic style, and the makeup artist buckled the chicken legs!

It's really hard to bring in and convince people of all kinds of things. The setting of the film was originally very good, which is really a pity.

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