Watch several dimensions of this film

Adelbert 2022-04-20 09:02:30

The first is exposure to public power. This seems to be something that Korean movies almost always touch in the progress of the plot, making people feel that they are all incidental and effortless. This is also the place where Korean movies are open when shooting realistic themes, and it is also one of the reasons why these kinds of movies are more attractive. I'm not afraid of being exposed, I'm not afraid of making a fool of myself, I tore the scars of the state department to you, and I'm also annoying them. As a result, people feel a sense of intimacy, and the movie seems to have become a spokesperson for me to speak out.

The second is the distortion of human nature caused by social class differences. But many times, the audience will understand and sympathize with the distortion. The exposure of individual shortcomings and weaknesses in the film is more worth looking forward to than praising people's beauty and kindness. Whether it is a father who suffered a serious illness from a child or a bank clerk who lost his professional ethics after giving a little discount, they may not be completely villains in the beginning, but they eventually become villains, and the social environment acts as a driving force. But one thing that shocked me was that the subordinates of the leader who did not close the case rigorously would ask "the criminal has not confessed his guilt", which made the leader unable to step down. In fact, some bad things, some wrong things, it is not that the parties do not know that they are not allowed, some voices are heard, and some voices are buried in their hearts.

The third is eternal maternal love. I don't know if it's a bug. Ruizhen's mother snatched the little girl, it should be relatively hasty. How did she make the call to the little girl's grandfather's house? And I played several times, and each interval seemed to be accurate, with a great sense of rhythm.

Back to the point. Seeing that Ruizhen's mother kept putting the shoes on repeatedly, she felt unspeakable pain in her heart. You see Ruizhen's mother loses her daughter, and the little girl's mother regains her daughter, and you are shocked how similar these two screenshots are. Some people say that Great Sorrows and Great Anguish is easy to play. But these two actresses also acted very well. Perhaps the way Korean actors perform is different from that of China, which has caused a strangeness in me, and I feel very moved.

In short, the background of this movie is still the common social class and human nature exposure, which still makes people feel warm.

In the past few days, it has been said on the Internet that the Hunan playground burial case will be made into a movie, and the filmmaker also confirmed the family's opinion. This is also a kind of progress. According to the law, there is no need to obtain the consent of the family members.

What I thought at the time was that such a realistic movie should be arranged by South Korea, after all, they are too good at it.

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