Reminds me of a hundred years of loneliness. The barbaric history of South America. And this is not the barbaric history of Taiwan, but a kind of national integrity, national spirit, and national pride.
If your civilization is grovelling. And we're going to let you know what savage pride is. How well said. I am immersed in it, even my eyes are wet, not because of the soundtrack, but because of the spirit and belief.
Let us sacrifice our ancestors with blood, and let our young people have totems that symbolize heroes. Go down with a knife, a head. In fact, everyone can't decide their origin, what race you are, whether you are rich or poor. Are those Japanese people really supposed to die? They invaded Taiwan, invaded other people's homes, invaded other people's homeland. For Mona, they are aliens and they occupy their hunting grounds. Like Papa Mona said, take up your arms, go to the ancestors, and bring back our homeland. So, Mona was no longer silent, he picked up his knife and united 12 tribal leaders to fight together.
But those Japanese, they are damn. But first, as a person. No one is born sinful, dirty, or bloody. However, because of many factors of the day after tomorrow, what kind of person will he become. As a humanitarian, I hate Japan, I hate the Japanese, I hate them for invading our country, I hate them all my life. But when Mona's children, and those in Japan, are killed, I'm equally heartbroken.
A life, born pure, should die proudly. Returning to the film itself, he used a different angle to tell a story of fighting the invaders. You know, at the very beginning, I thought of Hudev. Think of kimbo's vicissitudes and textured cheeks. Think of the child on the cow's back, think of the umbilical cord.
And Mona them, for the ancestors. Not exactly what Lao Hu sang. And I will always be the baby in your arms, the focus of your sight. They took up arms for their homeland and killed all the invaders for the sake of honor. What a great, glorious, noble and bloody spirit this is.
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