There is no right or wrong

Alana 2022-04-20 09:02:29

There are a lot of you and me here. On the one hand, I want to join the carnival of memory and praise, but on the other hand, I don’t want to completely draw a line from this era, so I half pushed forward and finally dragged myself into a lame.

Conflict is the norm in the world. However, some are evenly matched, and some may be shaking the tree. Some struggle to win or lose at most, while others have to divide life and death

There are tens of thousands of years of human civilization that can be inherited, but no matter how many generations it has been passed down, young people still have to wait for enough years to be "sensible". It can be seen how all of us humans are ignorant of education.

History, you can think he was cold and ruthless. I will not slow down the pace of progress because of any mercy and unbearable.

Time, it has no subjective will. Every second of its past, present and future has already been written.

Body or soul? To inherit or to survive? In fact, just a thought, there may be a gap in the mouth. (But I am very curious, will the difference of one thought make even a ripple in the long river of history flowing? Or... it may even change the direction of the river)

Time can change everything. All perseverance will not be as firm as a rock, and will eventually be erased without leaving any traces. At the end of the film, Vivian Hsu plays the aboriginal woman Obi who has been wearing a kimono for many years. After she was almost killed as a Japanese woman and was rescued from a false alarm, she cried bitterly when she saw her husband and father's first words: "Father, Why weed?

It is always easy to speak from God's perspective. Throwing yourself into the shell of sentient beings, bound by one-dimensional time from end to end, God is also unable to see the direction.

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Sai de ke · ba lai: Tai yang qi quotes

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