! —How tasteless! Even with me it seems very tasteless! The girl next to her was talking non-stop again,
expressing her deep understanding of the movie - md, who said watching a movie in the cinema has an atmosphere?
However, there are already 15 comments on the above blog post, and I will be embarrassed if I don’t write the next one
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I understand more and more why the French like Depardieu, this old and ugly man, his big face, especially
the big nose full of faces, looks like he has been addicted to it for a long time. No matter how he pretends to be innocent
and simple, he is only a playboy who occasionally finds out in his conscience, and he will eventually return to the normal state of a depraved life
. This is the life the French aspire to: enjoy! Just enjoy!
This big face fills the screen at the beginning of the film for several minutes, setting the tone for the entire film:
This old man did nothing good! Sure enough, the film tells the story of Depardieu's beginnings and endings. The old musician Columbus was immersed in the pain
of losing his wife and could not extricate himself. Dumen thanked his guests and devoted himself to the company of music, which also achieved his extraordinary musical achievements. A young man named Malan
came he was smart and eager to learn. Columbus was furious about this, and the teacher and the apprentice broke up. But the teacher's
eldest daughter Madeleine had already fallen in love with Malan and taught him secretly. Columbus met his deceased wife in the sound of the violin, while Malan abandoned
Madeleine and climbed the high branches. Madeleine dies of depression, and Malan eventually repents and returns to her teacher. When I was old, I played the
tunes and met my teacher in music.
This is a very French film. Why does the film synopsis say that Maran fell in love with Columbus' eldest daughter? I think he's just taking advantage of her
Just learn music. But so what? This is also acceptable to the French. Music and love are beautiful.
With beautiful things, there is no right or wrong.
I don't like music that has pauses and breaks in the melody can make me feel like I'm out of breath. So I like the zheng. After playing a single note,
it will float and float in the air, and it will never be interrupted suddenly. The violin, on the other hand, has a much simpler timbre, and even the most cheerful
music still contains a touch of sadness. This slow film, however, captures this simple tone gorgeously and delicately.
It doesn't really matter what the story is about this film.
The story is just a pretense, and the "What is the music for?" constantly asked in the film is also a pretense. Even music and sadness are pretense. - A pretense, it's all a pretense. In fact, it was a
psychedelic drug that the director boiled. There is a violin in it. sad. hopeless love. never come back. despair. overflowing with sadness. dark. Regret.
deep feeling. endless sadness. ... in front of such medicine, obediently indulging is the most appropriate time.
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