unfocused women

Shanna 2022-04-21 09:03:28

First of all, the name of the movie "The Invisible Woman" has deep meanings. First, it means that the sister and sister are out of touch, and the two cannot see each other. The second means that the father of the two sisters ignores the pregnant sister who eloped, and the husband of the sister ignores the dream of the sister, Pursuit, three meanings The doctor violated his sister's promise to keep her pregnancy secret, and the visa officer refused to apply for his son's passport for his sister, who is a single mother.

Secondly, the film music is very good at rendering the atmosphere and expressing the emotions of the characters. For example, when my sister is upset, the piano sound is heavy, sharp and dissonant, and when her sister is happy, the piano sound becomes light, beautiful and harmonious.

Then, the light and shadow and slow motion of the movie sister and lover on the ballroom are very good to express the flow of eroticism of the characters. In the ward, the shots of the sister, the sister's husband, and the doctor are so thought-provoking. When the camera talks about the sister's second pregnancy and illness, the focus of the camera is only on the two men, the sister's husband and the doctor. She didn't focus at all on her sister who was supposed to be the focus of the incident. She was blurry from beginning to end, she was not the focus, and her emotions, feelings, and decisions were not cared for and taken seriously.

In the end, the film's long board is obvious, but its short board is also prominent. The strong family relationship between the two sisters is not deep enough, and the motivation is not enough, resulting in a series of behaviors that the two sisters do because of their strong thoughts. It is not convincing.

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