Therese 2022-04-21 09:03:28

It took me a while to find this film, I didn't expect much, but I was shocked

As a woman, whoever does not desire an ideal and happy life, who does not desire to have a husband and family who can rely on heart-to-heart, who does not desire that any decision he makes can be supported by his parents. But after all, how many people can achieve this desire?

Because desire is desire after all.

1. The night when I ran away with my shoes

I understand Guida because I did the same thing, sneaking out of the house in the middle of the night or early in the morning, so that there would no longer be the kind of discipline that presupposes great love, precisely because of this repressive absolute The premise makes me have no courage or excuse to fight, and the only option left is to escape. Of course, this approach will not be advocated, but it is possible that the result will be undiscovered and joyful. Not many people can resist this. The temptation is too great, and the effort is not much. It only requires a little extremely quiet movement. The moment I go out the door, I feel that my whole body is liberated and blooming, and the whole world in front of me becomes all yours. I love this feeling very much. the power of.

2. Fishy slap

Going a step further along the escape action is the real departure. You may understand that this is wrong. This is an extremely irresponsible approach. Few families can face it calmly, because you have failed them. The terrifying reality is that you may still wait until the moment you are forgiven. I hate this logic deeply. You do evil but you will not be hated. Instead, the forgiven party can only live the rest of your life uneasy. How to live? I would rather that Guida be slapped and never look back, or that she begged for forgiveness like we are now, living in self-blame, maybe it's only me who thinks this way, but reality is reality, I never ask or call the shots The right, because I have made mistakes, but was forgiven, so I should give up everything, including glamorous, including self-needs, including desire ideals, including everything, I don't want to do this. But in the end, it will be forgiven every time, what a ridiculous logic. I have many friends, and I am terrified that I will be treated like this one day. In fact, this is very contradictory. I obviously can't give up this kind of love, this kind of huge, controlled, and bound love, so don't hurt it, but what I want has been hurting it vaguely. Kind of love, isn't that a contradiction in itself?

3. The pain of finding

I feel humiliated and can't lift my head, so I don't tell and hide the truth, all to protect my family. This is really speaking from one's own standpoint, and there is no back pain at all. This kind of love has become harsh and selfish. What is not allowed can only be cast aside, and what is dissatisfied can only be regarded as treason. Then what is treason? I am a rebellious person most of the time, I have been challenging the limits of these loves, but unfortunately, my bottom line always tells me not to do some things, and once these things happen, the logic becomes the above 2, Just because it didn't happen, I never waited for the grief of being evicted. Sympathy for G, I can feel part of her pain, I feel bad for her, the cold beer I drank while dancing the day after the baby was born, and the nicotine I inhaled, I feel bad for her uterus for not getting Take good care and love, why can't girls be better to themselves, sometimes it is better to understand than to be ignorant. Bleeding, milk spilling, and caressing are not as profound as the stench of the stench. I can clearly smell it, and the nausea is rampant, so what do I care about socializing? Why am I still standing here indifferent? I try to ignore the parts that hurt me, but I can always smell it, and the stench will make me sick for years. Don't look for me, I will die in the basement with this stench, and all the past will disappear.

4. get married

If I could play the piano, I would definitely play it every day, every day, every day, whether married or not. If I found a husband like this, I would definitely cut off his genitals with scissors late at night, and it's best not to let him hurt too much, it won't end well. If I accidentally had a child, it would be a difficult question to have one. But I just don't want to get married, I don't want to wake up one day after I go to bed with peace of mind (uneasy) and finish my wife, it's ridiculous. Deep in despair, I'm searching, looking for my most self, where is she, all my hopes have escaped with that physical figure, if I can escape, I will definitely be with you that night, whether you are or not Real existence.

5. I saw you, but the fish tank twisted you

Being two parts is what I don't want. That would tear apart the intimacy we already had. But I saw you again, and I remembered the shock of that slap, and the cash shoved into my chest, and kept running away, fast. I don't want to stay for a second, my favorite people, why do we have to look at each other across the fish tank, how much I love you, how much you love me, I can't stand the forgiveness of you and me , how silly. This strange existence of human society may only end with the next big bang. I want to hug you guys, but I'm too scared, forgive me. (???)

6. The departure of another kind of love

I can live with peace of mind, have someone else's house, and support my children on my meager income, even though I can't go abroad. Has everything gotten better?

In the final analysis, in that era, men won, patriarchal society won, and patriarchy won, and you all won.

What about this society? Don't say it, I understand that love and freedom won, okay.

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