Latin America's story is always an epic

Friedrich 2022-04-20 09:02:31

An epic story of women's struggle against patriarchy, from sisterhood to the end of their lives.

What is valuable is that the subject of this epic projection is not an individual or a group, but two individuals or two groups, one of them is struggling with reality, the other is struggling with ideals, and at the same time they are concerned and dependent on each other, the elder sister is the younger sister. For the root of life, it is the different color of life outside the piano. The younger sister is the elder sister's hope for a better life, and she is an inextinguishable glimmer of light in the dark, far away. From this point of view, the sister represents a complete person. .

At the beginning of the movie, when I saw the sisters discussing and fighting in bed about the topic of youth and taboo between the sister and her boyfriend, I didn't realize that the movie would eventually lead to such a heavy ending. Perhaps on the one hand, the long years spanned by the film can only be filled by such a painful epic story about women's struggles, and on the other hand, the pain in the film can only be dispelled and comforted by the years. In the end, the struggle of women in the film for freedom and life can be more objectively expressed in the face of the years, not weak because of some momentary powerlessness, and thus more powerful.

Looking back, the sense of power (also a sense of powerlessness) presented in the film not only comes from the actors’ performances and fierce contradictions, but also from the repeated appearance of many images. This symbolic expression makes the audience even in different social cultures. There can also be abstract understanding and resonance in the background. From the beginning of the movie, when the sisters looked at Monte Cristo and looked towards the sky at the seaside, the elder sister got up and left first and turned behind her, metaphorically, the direction of life after her sister is not towards the ideal, and when the sister enters The scene in the mountains and forests behind him begins to call for his sister, which corresponds to the distant place he calls when his sister falls into a cruel life later. The other side is different from the elder sister who is wandering in the mountains and forests. The younger sister is standing on the mountain facing the sea and turns her head to call her elder sister. Monte Cristo can be seen in the distance of the camera. From the sense of security in life, compared to the direct and rough life, compared to the lack of romance on the husband's wedding night, the younger sister hopes to indirectly listen to the elder sister chatting about the bright red and roughness of life on the bedside. No matter how high you look and how far you look, after all, someone must wait at the foot of the mountain to be safe. This person is not the father, not the mother, but only the elder sister. Sadly, because of the misunderstanding that the elder sister was no longer at the foot of the mountain (the elder sister's tombstone was found), the younger sister also disappeared. The root on which to rely, the ideal distance is within reach and no longer exists.

The image of the wharf also represents the strong personal desire of the younger sister, which appears repeatedly at different stages, whenever it seems that she is about to achieve her goal and is about to set off from the port, either because of her sister's departure, or because of marriage, or because of pregnancy. Shelving, at this time, there will be a scene where the younger sister is standing alone on the pier under the sun, smoking, which strengthens the audience's feelings and regrets about the situation of the younger sister's character.

The tomb used by the elder sister to conceal her identity, the younger sister burning her sister's clothes, and the burning of the piano are all classic images or techniques in film and television.

It was not until the sister was sorted after her husband died 68 years after her marriage that she opened the safe that contained all the letters sent to her by her sister, which symbolized that the struggles of the sisters had finally ended, and the women’s rights, which had been blocked by men’s rights for a lifetime, were finally released. , This release is apparently due to the passing away of male power first, but the original work may be hoping to make male power aware and give women more freedom. This is from the fact that the safe was eventually passed to the only son-in-law who knew the password ( male power inheritance ) Instead of daughter opening can be confirmed.

The movie finally returns to the scene where the sisters were at the beach when they were young, but at this time the sister was not in a hurry to walk back to the forest behind her, and the sister did not look into the distance with her brows furrowed like before, the two of them just sat relaxed. , looking at each other with a smile from time to time. For them, the distance is no longer a sure way out of life, but just a landscape, and behind them is not a purgatory that is difficult to walk alone, but just a way back after dark. This is probably the best moment of the whole movie, and it is also the scene of the movie. An implicit optimism, in the sense that the length of the years always brings some optimism.

Regarding the epic nature of Latin American stories, I don’t know much about Latin American culture. The few literary works I have come into contact with, such as “One Hundred Years of Solitude” and “Love in the Time of Cholera”, have a large time span, and they are all similar to this movie. I like it In the long years, combining different periods and different eras to tell a story, a character or a group, focusing on the power of time, or the power of people in time. I find this very interesting, and I hope that friends who know more can add one or two.

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