A Brazilian woman living in dire straits.

Bonnie 2022-04-20 09:02:31

2019, feature film "The Invisible Woman | A vida invisível de Eurídice Gusmão"

I'm ashamed, I originally came to watch a horror movie, and I didn't expect to touch on a plot movie that I'm not very fond of, but I didn't expect this kind of sister-in-law relationship to be attracted.

It is a very feminine movie. Looking at this man's world from a female perspective, all male characters are deliberately blackened. Of course, I do not deny nor favor this male-dominated world.

The film took place in the 1950s, so the contradictions are more prominent. Compared with the past, we are still making progress, especially in the Great Celestial Dynasty, the status of modern women is already very high~ the progress of society.

The exotic style is very strong, and it has the feeling of Rio de Janeiro in Brazil~ Although the plot design and character design are a bit deliberate, they are all for the theme, "Left to Right" or neighbors, who can meet who?

In fact, think about it in reverse, sometimes the person you imagine is more perfect, and it is easier to put your thoughts on it~ Good friends will often quarrel together (cover their faces), which is a kind of talk about life or a kind of sustenance. Bar.

Two people on a desert island, each other who disappeared. . At first I really thought it was a horror movie, but I didn't expect it to be just a way of expression. (covers face)

The protagonist is very beautiful~ The content of the chat is also very real (covering his face again)

In fact, this female theme reminds me of a Japanese horror movie "Real Devil Game", a female movie under the horror and bloody shell of the game.

The shots are bold and open. . To be honest, I can't even take pictures. .

The two people's tempers are just as stubborn -- as expected, they are biological.

A woman's world doesn't need a man~

It's far-fetched here. If you say that you can't meet because of God's will, but you can't find it after looking for a detective. In fact, I finally went to the cemetery, and I found it after a little investigation.

The little doll is so handsome~

She finally broke down, but after 2 hours of preparation, as a god's perspective, I still feel a little unacceptable.

The man kept the secret to his death. . Is this machismo or love? But after so many years, I can't take it anymore~


Surprisingly amazing~ It’s a bit interesting, but the length is a bit long and the rhythm control is a bit bad, but the Brazilian feeling is there~ It’s great.

--------------I am the dividing line of women-------------------

Recommendation index: ★★★☆ (7/10 points), a Brazilian woman living in dire straits.

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