Life does not meet, moving like a businessman

Stanford 2022-04-19 09:02:54

In Du Fu's "Eight Guards to the Guards", he wrote that he met and parted with his friend who had been there for many years. Tomorrow, across the mountains, the world will be at a distance. This mountain may just be a courtyard, a wall. When they are separated, they really start to be charming, and who will talk to each other again.

I have heard many similar versions of this story. There is a column on the two sides of the Taiwan Strait to find relatives. I have seen one episode. Brothers and sisters are in Taipei, only a block away, but they have not seen each other for half a century. Through this show, the two found each other, and regretted that they went to the same vegetable market, went to the same store, and watched the same movie. However, the two places are separated, and the horizon is boundless.

Due to a wrong decision, the two were forced to separate. My sister lives only to give this story a happy ending. But in fact, for most of us, misses are the norm, and encounters are rare. I once had to pass by a boy downstairs for work every day after breaking up with a boy. I had imagined what would happen to me if I met him countless times, but I never met him once, not once. It is really a great fate to meet in such a big city.

The younger sister, like Eva Green, has a fragile beauty. You look at her, her beauty is indescribable, but you deeply know that this kind of beauty can be destroyed at any time. It's a bit like Penelope Cruz in "Return", shattered by life but living with tenacity and firmness. She was not destroyed, she was always beautiful when she appeared on camera. We did not see her aged appearance. She told her granddaughter how her sister looked like a pianist.

When it comes to the story of the two girls, the first thing that comes to my mind is Sense and Sensibility, as if every duo is a story like that. It's just that Austin didn't want to let the protagonist in his story derail, so he arranged for the knight to turn the tide and drag the character back. This story is the derailed "Sense and Sensibility". After learning of her sister's death, the elder sister burned the piano, said the most tragic farewell to her innocent golden dream, and then disappeared. The impulsive decision of the younger sister made her life start a hard mode, but it was also "Biejun was unmarried in the past, and his children suddenly went on a trip". I don't want to talk about feminism, I just want to say that this is the separation of two people who are in love. A farewell is a lifetime.

Also impressive is the music. And color. There is always a feeling of Chinese scenery in the landscape, I don't know if it is intentional or just an illusion. The color saturation of the color blocks is very high, the strong blue, green, red and yellow, the contrast between the sea and the rocks, the color of the walls of my sister's house, the green plants with large leaves, the skirt that my sister wears when she goes out to drink the next day...

A golden earring on the back door and the flaming flames in the corridor in front of the door shaded the woman in a white nightgown like a hero who suffered and was reborn. The younger sister saw the father who was waiting on the opposite seat through the goldfish bowl, while the older sister who was waiting was straightening her hair in the bathroom in front of the mirror. Movies couldn't be more appropriate to express such a scene. Such dramatic effects cannot be rendered in words.

I like this movie. In the middle of the night, I saw my sister found the letter, unfolded it, and I burst into tears.

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