woman being pulled like a puppet

Dion 2022-04-19 09:02:54

After watching "The Invisible Woman", I couldn't calm down for a long time. The moment I closed the playback window, a piece of my heart seemed to be ripped out. I didn't know where to tell this story full of love and pain.

"Invisible woman" means that a woman is not seen and cannot be seen. The name of the movie does not conceal its tragic ending. However, I completely ignored this hint that could no longer be obvious during the viewing process. My heart was full of expectations, and my emotions also went up and down with the detached relationship between the protagonists. It was even difficult to distinguish several times. Whether the heartbeat heard is the bone-borne sound caused by the headphone cable or played in the film. In general, this is a work that is depressing but full of power. Amidst the despair and distress on the screen, there is always hope and expectation surging. A lifelong sisterhood has never been cut in half because of never meeting each other. The depth of his thoughts and deep concern cannot be described as unmoving.

When I first saw this film, I never imagined that the two young sisters who were calling each other in the jungles of Rio in 1950, desperately looking for each other, had to spend their whole lives looking for each other. G thought that her sister who had gone far away had already realized her dream and became a pianist in Austria, so in her mind, her sister was still outstanding and shining, with a bright future; E thought that her sister who settled in Greece because of love is living a happy life A worry-free life, so in her imagination, her sister is still petite, beautiful, and lovable—but she doesn't know that everything is no longer what it used to be.

After being betrayed by the sailor, G did not continue to entangle. Just like the impulsive and stubborn elopement at the beginning, she decided to leave without looking back and returned to her hometown, but at this time, she was single and pregnant, but she was condemned. With hardships, he was first forced out of the house by his father mercilessly, then he gave birth to a child alone and struggled to make a living, and finally found the trajectory of his life again under the protection of F.

At first, I thought that G's life would be a dark place since the separation, but I didn't expect that E and F would be like two bright lights shining into her struggle for survival, accompanying her from beginning to end. E is G's close relative, and the other half of her soul to whom she poured out her heart under the predicament. Although the whereabouts of the letters are unknown, the narrative itself has condensed into a force to support her better survival in the dark; F is G's landlord, Friends, sisters and mothers, and also G's most staunch supporters in a society where "you should thank God for women to work" and "single mothers still need a man's proof to apply for a passport" - G is no longer helpless, nor does she not lonely.

G exchanged the body for F for the final peace
G stood in front of the house, looking around the lush yard, his knowing smile was more of exhaustion

When E first pressed the row of black and white keys, I shuddered and burst into tears. E sitting in front of the piano is not only a woman who took off her ring and threw off her bondage, but also a sister who fell into a whirlpool of memories and rubbed her sister's figure into the sound of the piano. After the song, E stood on the dock for a long time, looking across the sea, as if waiting for G's return, and wanted to invite her to witness her piano dream that was about to come true.

The sound of the piano is mixed with fantasy, E's emotions seem to overflow the screen
The two sisters who danced together in imagination
Lonely back, may the scattered birds bring our thoughts

In front of her dream, E seemed to be able to endure the unquestionable obstruction of her husband and father. She was always elegant and gentle, and she almost never replied, and even took the initiative to seek pleasure to appease her husband's grievances. She used this strategy to get closer to her dream a little bit. But I never imagined that the dream would be broken so suddenly. As for whether E really became a pianist, the movie did not give a clear answer, but we can see that E, who thought that his sister died, lost the last bit of strength, and the answer is naturally self-evident. Losing the sister you care about means losing the spiritual pillar that has always supported you in pursuing your dreams; burning the beloved piano means burning the only worry-free thing in your boring life; burning the clothes you wore on the interview day means burning Lost the pursuit of dreams. E was ill, and the out-of-focus features in front of the camera were hollow and terrifying, and she would never be a pianist.

This image reminds me of "Portrait of a Burning Woman", both films convey bursts of emotion with fire
burnt clothing
burnt out piano

When the thick stack of letters sealed in the lockbox was taken out, when my suspicions during the viewing of the movie were confirmed, the truth of the whole story was restored: the unseen ending is not a trick of fate, but an artificial Manipulation and deception are the behaviors created by the entire patriarchal society. If G hadn't been deceived by sailors, or E hadn't been assigned marriage by his father, they would never have been separated from the start; if G, who was pregnant, had not been driven away by his father in the name of shame, or G's mother. With the ability to make the choice to accept her daughter independently of her husband, G could wait at home for E to return; if the father hadn't lied to the two sisters' whereabouts, or if the mother had revealed anything before she died, the two sisters would have found each other long ago ; If E did not conceive because her husband violated her will, or the male doctor did not disclose E's intention to abort the fetus to her husband without authorization, then E, who has the right to reproductive freedom, can prioritize her career development as originally planned; If he can buy a house through equal work, or have the legal adoptive right of real estate, then G will not have to suspend his death, and E will not mistake G's death and completely end his dream. The male society tore the two sisters apart with an influence strong enough to manipulate fate, smashing their wishes little by little, denying their efforts, breaking their pursuits, manipulating their lives, and finally subverting their existence completely.

Finally, I would like to express a little personal opinion related to the content of this film, and it would be nice if it can lead to discussion. Some people say that "Invisible Woman" is both a heavy Brazilian film and a heavy female film, but I don't want to label any film as a woman anymore, after all, before the so-called women's film enters people's field of view, before the so-called women's film enters the public eye, before the men's film. When films with perspectives and themes are popular, no one will call them male films. We need to be more accustomed to seeing works that reflect women's lives, because these themes are essentially no different from others, and they are all about reality. Just with humanity.

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