A story of love and jealousy...

Timmy 2022-04-19 09:02:52

The friendship between the two girls with extreme personalities came quickly but it was based on lies. As the story developed, the differences between the two sides gradually emerged, and the truth slowly surfaced. The heroine loves the female partner unconditionally, just like her mother has been pampering her father. There is a line: I have no other way at all... To be honest, I have her in my heart, so I am more concerned about the people around her who care about her. Love ignores. And the female supporting role seems to be unrestrained, but is actually vulnerable to a single blow. The scene in the whole movie that touches the flight starts when the heroine introduces the heroine to others as her classmate, and the beautiful opening between the two parties gradually becomes a reality. Everything, on the other hand, is afraid of being useless after the lies are exposed. She wants to live the way others see her, thinking it will free her from her broken family, but it's actually her biggest burden, the source of all her reactions. The relationship between the heroine and the supporting actress is actually the epitome of the relationship between the heroine's parents. The introverted and forbearing mother and the unruly and reckless father.

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