#deep sea escape#

Rahsaan 2022-04-19 09:02:53

The overall storyline of the movie #deep sea jailbreak# gives a film that exudes an old-fashioned atmosphere from the inside out, which is comparable to the level of B-level films. The scene is set in the confined space of the submarine, and it does not have any connection with the outside world, and the sense of tightness is extremely depressing; the action scenes are all captured in close-up, which makes people feel particularly uncomfortable visually. The whole film is very boring and there is no unexpected breaking point. It is completely an escape story, and many people consume it for the feelings of Jean-Claude Vandon, and Lundgren is actually in this film. One dragon set.

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    Mel: [Marco keeps repeatedly tapping on her car window] Fuck Off!

    [Irritated, Marco whips out a silencer equipped pistol and blows her brains out]