The tough guy needs to strengthen the rigidity~

Chelsea 2022-04-19 09:02:53

First of all, I feel that the tough guy is not tough enough, but the domineering president Fan Erman... At a critical moment, I did as the opponent said without struggling a few times. It was too simple and easy, and there was no sense of urgency! The bad guy's laser gun is so hard that he can't kill the protagonist. Instead, he is always shot to death by the protagonist's small pistol. The protagonist's halo is too strong! The deep sea is just repeated submarine shots, and the sense of oppression is not enough! The plot is a bit old-fashioned and doesn't have the effect of a Hollywood blockbuster. The little smile is not abrupt, the two female protagonists are two red points in the green bushes. 3 stars for the submarine...

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Black Water quotes

  • [last lines]

    Mel: [Marco keeps repeatedly tapping on her car window] Fuck Off!

    [Irritated, Marco whips out a silencer equipped pistol and blows her brains out]