"Deep Sea Prison Break" ~ Movie Commentary *021

Alvena 2022-04-19 09:02:53

To say that Shange Winton and Duf Lundgren are synonymous with European and American tough guy series. As soon as the title of this movie is added with the male protagonist, the first reaction is the reprint of "Escape the Shell". Who would have thought that the whole thing is a fake Jin Chan with the theme of battleship and bloodshed, and the action routine is pure fake. The two brothers together are almost 120 years old. I can only follow the way of acting when I was young, the shape is there but the spirit is gone.

❤Personal feeling score is 4.5, and the film is 104 minutes long. The popular spy war theme was originally a little innovative, but it didn't play out, the scenes were not enough, and the plot was bland, so it was just two old faces to earn emotional points. Compared with "Escape the Shell", it is still very good. Although they are all similar in purpose, they are far from each other. It is reported that it will be released in China in June. If you are persuaded, don't watch it. If you are not sad, it is mainly a waste. This is not good.

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    Mel: [Marco keeps repeatedly tapping on her car window] Fuck Off!

    [Irritated, Marco whips out a silencer equipped pistol and blows her brains out]