"Letter to Momoko" is an animated film directed by Kiyuki Okura. The story is relatively simple: a girl named Momoko moved to a small island where her grandparents lived with her mother after her father died. A series of conflicts are triggered by incompatibility in life and misunderstanding of mother. Before that, Taozi had a quarrel with his father, but he did not expect it to be the last time with his father, which made Taozi regret his willful ignorance. Among his father's belongings, Momoko discovers an unfinished letter that only begins with "To Momoko"... At the same time, three monsters of unknown origin suddenly break into Momoko's house, triggering a series of interesting and unexpected events. Touching story. Despite the introduction of elements such as "yokai", "Letter to Peaches" is still a work of realism, and the three living treasures in the film are more like a dose of conditioner. The realistic expression method makes "Letter to Peaches" look like the shadow of Ghibli's Takahata works, but it seems to be imitating Miyazaki's works intentionally. Comprehension is complete, but from the perspective of the results, no matter if he is compared with any one, he still has a great distance.
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