guardian happiness

Karl 2022-04-19 09:02:50

I have always liked Japanese healing anime, and I always feel that they depict love beautifully, whether it is love, family, friendship or interracial feelings, it always makes me feel that no matter how embarrassed your current situation is, there are still people who love you. I want to take care of you, to take care of you. This kind of feeling is really good and very good, warm, and the eyes are moist and happy.

Probably the most painful thing in my life is those unexpressed apologies. There is a crux in my heart, especially for those who are loved and loved, I am afraid it is the regret that will be unforgettable until death. But it seems that no matter how angry we say, our relatives always embrace us with endless love, and the injuries we suffer because of us always seem to be easily forgiven by them without even resentment. This kind of miraculous love is like soft clam meat, gently wiping away our sharpness with delicate hands, shielding from the wind and rain with deep arms, even if they no longer exist, it is difficult to let go, and the soul is reluctant to leave. We are always willing to believe that those who have passed away are silently guarding us in the sky, and we believe that this feeling will not be broken due to the separation of yin and yang. The perseverance seen in the anime also makes us outside the play happy, doesn't it?

When you love someone, you want to protect him, and you want to watch him and protect him all the time, in the next life, in the next life. It feels so good. Knowing that there is such a person guarding him, how happy such a person should be. And peach, is such a happy person.

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A Letter to Momo quotes

  • Momo Miyaura: [last words to her father] You're selfish, and you're a liar. I don't care if you come back.