lies lies lies

Llewellyn 2022-12-27 15:49:06

It's an honest movie made of lies - honestly told about lies.
The heavy metal at the beginning of the film screams "lies, lies, lies" as the opening meaning. Since I haven't heard the band's songs and I don't know the band, I can't help but speculate whether this is a band formed by the soldiers. The sonorous metal music and roar accuse us of the hypocrisy of war and the confusion and numbness of the US military stationed in Iraq. "Don't listen to those lies. In the end, it's only your smoking gun."
Saddam told a lie, and Bush Jr. took advantage of the topic to spread the lie even more to the American people and send American youth to the battlefield. The rebels lied to the Muslims, who were in fact responsible for the massacre. The U.S. military lied to the public and wanted to cover it up.
The so-called war is not an addiction, it is a collection of lies, and it is the crushed people in the power struggle. The fresh life is incited by the lies of honor and the lies of hatred, and finally sacrificed to the altar (the word sacrifice in Chinese also comes from sacrifice).
Blood for blood, the leader of the massacre shouted "You killed my brother" and slaughtered unarmed civilians.
Blood for blood, Muslims blinded by the hatred created by the rebels raise their guns.
They will all fall prey to lies, and the one who laughs the most at the end is always the manipulator of power.

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